Latin Phrases and Quotes Starting with phrase number 800
- Coram Ecclesiae - Before the Church
- Coram nobis - In our presence
- Coram populum - In the people's presence (What is not done behind their backs)
- Cornix cornici oculos non effodiet - A crow does not rip out the eyes of another crow
- Cornucopia - Horn of plenty
- Corpore in sepulto - The body in the tomb
- Corpus Christi - The body of Christ
- Corpus delicti - Body of crime (Legal term - Evidence)
- Corpus iuris canonici - Body of Canon Law (Ecclesiastical term)
- Corpus Iuris Civilis - Body of Civil Law (Legal term)
- Corruptio optimi pessima - The corruption of the best is the worst of all
- Corruptissima republica plurimae leges - The corrupted the republic, the more laws it has (Tacitus - Annales (III, 27)
- Corvus Schismaticus - The Schismatic Crow (Pope Anti-pope Nicholas V (1328-1330) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - He was from Corvaro, named after crows)
- Cotidie damnatur qui semper timet - The man who is constantly in fear is every day condemned (Syrus)
- Credere quod non videmus, propter testimonium dicentis - To believe on what you do not see, based on the testimony of who says it (Legal term - public faith)
- Creditor est - The creditor is (Legal term)
- Credo in Iesum Christum, filium eius unicum, Dominum nostrum - I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord (Ecclesiastical term)
- Credo nos in fluctu eodem esse - I believe we're on the same wavelength
- Credo quia absurdum - I believe because it is absurd
- Credo ut intelligam - I believe so that I may understand (Augustine)
- Credula vitam spes fovet et melius cras fore semper dicit - Credulous hope supports our life, and always says that tomorrow will be better (Tibullus)
- Crescente Luce - Increasing light (To add to the body of knowledge of humanity to bring understanding - Thank you: Deborah Allen)
- Crescit amor nummi, quantum ipsa pecunia crescit - The love of money grows, as the money itself grows (Juvenal)
- Crimen Culpae - Culpa de crimen (Legal term - Actions and omissions are only punishable only when expressly provided by law)
- Crucem sectarum cetera ut lutum putemus - Henceforth we will consider as mud, the torment of cults
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