Latin Phrases and Quotes Starting with phrase number 79
- Ab ovo - Since the egg (Horace - Ars poetica - Refers to the egg of Leek from which hatched Helen of Troy)
- Ab ovo usque ad mala - From the egg to the apple (Horace - Satire - From appetizer to dessert - From start to finish - From soup to nuts)
- Ab uno disce omnes - From one learn all (Virgil - Aeneid II )
- Ab uno discit omnes - From one you know all
- Ab uno discunt omnes - From one learn all
- ab Urbe Condita - a.U.C. - From the founding of the city (To count years since the foundation of Rome - 753 AC - Abbreviated as a.U.C.)
- Ab utraque parte - Of both parties (Legal Term - Gai Institutiones - Common property e.g. an island in the middle a river is the common property of the proprietors on both banks)
- Abbas Suburranus - A Suburran Abbot (Pope Anastasius IV (1153-1154) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - He was born near a local named Suburra)
- Aberratio ictus - Mistake in the blow (Legal term that refers in an error where the wrong person gets hurt, e.g. to shot against one person and kill someone else)
- Abeunt studia in mores - Practices passionately pursued become habits (Ovid - Heroides Libri XV)
- Abiit, excessit, evasit, erupit - He departed, he withdrew, he strode off, he broke forth (Cicero - Oratio In Catilinam II)
- Ablata causa tollitur effectus - If the cause is taken away, its effect will disappear (Medical Maxim)
- Abrenuntio - I Renounce (Ecclesiastical term)
- Abscedo turpis Diabolus pario - Go away you unclean spawn of Satan
- Absentes Tinnitu aurium praesentire sermones de se, receptum est - It is generally admitted that those absent are warned by a ringing in the ears (Pliny the Elder - Naturalis Historia)
- Absentis est quos non anhelo - The dead do not breathe
- Absit - God save me (Ecclesiastical term)
- Absolutio ad cautelam - Absolution due to doubt (Ecclesiastical term - Canon Law - When a priest is excommunicated and appeals, he needs to obtain a Ad cautelam to continue to celebrate mass)
- Abusus non est usus, sed corruptela - Abuse is not use, it is corruption (Legal term)
- Abusus non tollit usum - The abuse does invalidate the use (Legal term - Abuses shall not prevent to use something correctly)
- Abyssus abyssum vocat in voce - Deep calleth on deep (Vulgate - Psalm 42:7)
- Accedant - Enter (Ceremonial term)
- Accedite candidatos - Candidates set forward (Ceremonial term)
- Accesit - Honorable Mention (Academic term - Lower price given in scientific, literary or artistic work)
- Accesorium non ducit, sed sequitur suum principale - The accessory does not lead, they follow the fortunes of the principal (Legal term)
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