Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 697

  1. Centumviri - Board of 100 elders
  2. Certa Bonum Certamen - Fight the Good Fight (Vulgate - 1st Timothy 6, 12)
  3. Certe tamquam innocens ducta est - Acted like as if he was innocent (Pliny the Younger - Epistularvum IV)
  4. Certitudo est status mentis quae afirmat vel negat aliquid sine formidine errandi - Certainty is a state of mind something is confirmed or denied without the fear of being wrong
  5. Certum est quia impossible est - It is certain because it is impossible (Tertullian - "De Carne Christi")
  6. Cervus Sirenae - Stag of the Siren (Pope Anti-pope John XXIII (1410-1415) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecie - He was from Naples, whose emblem features a siren. In addition, he was cardinal with the title of St. Eustachius, whose emblem is a stag)
  7. Cessante causa, cessant effectus - Cease the cause, cease the effect (Medical Maxim)
  8. Cessante ratione legis, lex ipsa cessat - when the reason for a law no longer exists, the law itself ceases to exist (Legal term)
  9. Cetera desunt - The rest is wanting (Grammatical term - When something is missing)
  10. Ceteris Paribus - All else being equal (Used by economist when they build models)
  11. Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam - I certainly claim that Carthage must be destroyed (This is how Cato the Elder finilized his speeches - Also with Delenda est carthago and Praeterea censeo ... )
  12. Christi Matri - Mother of Christ (Encyclical letter written by pope Paul VI)
  13. Christus per fidem habitat in cordibus vestris - Christ by faith dwells in your hearts (Vulgate - Saint Paul - Ephesians 3: 17)
  14. Christus Rex - Christ is King (Thank you: Conger Edward )
  15. Christus vincit, regnat, imperat: ab omni malo plebem suam defendat. - Christ conquers, He reigns, He commands; may He defend His people from all evil. (Ecclesiastical Term from iThe Laudes Regiæ (Royal Praises or Royal Acclamations), a hymn used in the rites of the Catholic Church. Pope Sixtus V had these words engraved on the obelisk which stands in the centre of Saint Peter’s Square at Rome. Source: catholicismpure.wordpress - Thank you: Claire S)
  16. Cicero pro domo sua - Cicero favors his own home
  17. Circa - Around (Refers to dates abbreviated as c.)
  18. Circa Anum - Around the year (Refers to dates abbreviated as c.a.)
  19. Cis natura leges - Within the laws of nature
  20. Cisne carnem amicum inveni? - ¿Perhaps I have not found a friendly man?
  21. Cito fit quod dii volunt - What the gods want happens soon (Petronius)
  22. Cives: patricii et plebeii - Citizens, patricians and plebeians
  23. Civis Romanus sum - I am a Roman citizen (Cicero, In C Verrem, 5, 147)
  24. Civitas abscondi supra montem posita - A city set on a hill cannot hide (Motto of Merida, Venezuela)
  25. Civitas optimo Iure - Civility is the optimum justice

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