Latin Phrases and Quotes Starting with phrase number 571
- Bibamus, moriendum est - Let's drink, death is inevitable
- Bibere humanum est, ergo bibamus - To drink is human; therefore, let us drink
- Bis - Two times (Indication that the verse is to be repeated)
- Bis dat qui cito dat - The one who gives quickly, gives twice
- Bis de eadem re ne sit actio - The action cannot be brought over again (Legal term - Any attempt to obtain a judicial rehearing of the same question)
- Bis miser est ille qui ante felix fuit - Twice miserable is the one who was happy before (Syrus - Sententiae)
- Bis orat qui bene cantat - Who sings well, prays twice (Ecclesiastical term - Importance of singing during mass)
- Bis pueri senes - Old men are twice children (Erasmus Adagia I, 5, 36)
- Bis repetita placent - The things, that are repeated again and again, are pleasent (Inspired from Horace - Ars poetica - haec deciens repetita placebit)
- Bis vincit qui se vincit in victoria - He conquers twice who conquers himself in victory (Syrus - Sententiae)
- Bona diagnosis, bona curatio - Good diagnosis, good cure (Medical Maxim)
- Bona fide - In good faith (Legal term - Documents that establish one's credential)
- Bona fidem in contractibus considerari aequum est - It is fair to consider the good faith of contracts (Legal term)
- Bona fides semper praesumitur nissi mala adesse probetur - Good faith is always presumed, if bad faith is not proven (Legal term)
- Bona opinio hominum tutior pecunia est - A good opinion among men is safer than money.
- Bona quibus nunc fruimur relinquemus - We will relinquish the fruits that we enjoy no
- Bona Terra, Bona Gens, Clarum Coelum, Aqua Clara - Good Earth, Good People, Clear sky, Clear water (Motto of Aguascalientes, Mexico)
- Bona Vacantia - Vacant Goods (Legal Term - Something of value with no known owner, like in "The estate of someone who has passed without a will". - Thank you: Roger Hill)
- Bonae fidei possessor suos facit fructus consumptos - The possessor in good faith makes his the fruits consumed (Legal term - Possession is ninth tens of the law)
- Bone Deus! - Good God!
- Boni viri - Good Men
- Bonis nocet qui malis parcet - Goodness injures what evil spares (Seneca - De Moribus, 114 - Goodness discourages what evil doesn't discourage)
- Bonitas non est pessimis esse meliorem - It is not goodness to be better than the worst
- Bonitas sine disciplina, mater delictorum est - Kindness without discipline is the mother of all crime
- Bonorum vita vacua est metu - The life of good men is free from fear
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