Latin Phrases and Quotes Starting with phrase number 500
- Audere est facere - To dare is to do (Motto of Tottenham Hotspur F.C.)
- Audi et alteram partem - Let us hear the other side (Legal term)
- Audi Iuppiter et tu Iane Quirine dique omnes caelestes vosque terrestres vosque inferni audite - Hear, O Jupiter and you too, Janus-Quirino also, and all the celestial, terrestrial, and infernal gods, hear (Livy Book I - Declaration of war)
- Audi, vide, tace, si tu vis vivere - Listen, Look, be silent, if you wish to liv
- Audiatur et altera pars - Also listen to the other party
- Audibus piis ophensiva - Offense to pious ears
- Auferat hora duos eadem - Let the same hour take us both (Ovid - Metamorphoses, VIII)
- Auferre, rapere, trucidare falsibus nominbus imperium, atque soliditudinem faciunt pacem appellant - They kill, rape and pillage, and they falsely call it "to govern", and where they create a dessert they call it "peace". (Tacitus - Referring to the "Pax Romana" i.e. the destruction of Carthage by Rome)
- Auget largiendo - Increases by giving
- Aura popularis - Popular breeze (Cicero - Oratio De Harvspicvm Responso)
- Aurea aetas - Golden age (Ovid - Metamorphoses I, 89)
- Aurea mediocritas - Golden mediocrity (Horace - Odes II, 5 - Person who does not show excess heroism or cowardice, and tries to avoid complications with anything or anyone. It is a wily behavior, rather than engage with political ideologies, social, religious, sports, and so on)
- Aures habent et non audient - They have ears and hear not
- Auri sacra fames! - Holy lust for gold (Virgil - Aeneid III, 57)
- Aurora Musis amica - Dawn is friend of the muses (The early bird gets the warm)
- Aurum est potestas - Gold is power
- Aurum firmissimas sententias mutat - Gold changes the strongest opinions (Refers to the corrupting power of gold and money)
- Ausi sumus uti in hoc loco Danielis exemplo, non ignorantes, quoniam in hebraeo positum non est, sed quoniam in Ecclesiis tenetur - We know that this sample text of the life of Daniel is not in the Hebrew text, but we use it, because it is accepted in the Churches (St. Jerome)
- Austria est imperare orbi universo (A.E.I.O.U.) - It is Austria's imperative to rule the world (Motto of Frederick III of Austria, also in German: Alles Endreich ist Osterreich Unterthan - Abbreviated as A.E.I.O.U.)
- Aut Caesar aut nihil - Caesar or nothing (Motto of Ceasere Borgia 1476-1507)
- Aut concilio, aut ense - By counsel or by the sword (Old motto of Chile, Now it is: "Por la razón o la fuerza" or "By reason or by force")
- Aut dedere aut iudicare - Either extradite or prosecute (Legal Term - International law)
- Aut insanit homo, aut versus facit - The mad is either insane or he is composing verses (Horace Satirae, II, )
- Aut liberi, aut libri - Either children or books (Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) - German philospher)
- Aut regem, aut fatuum nasci oportet - One Ought to Be Born a King or a Fool (Seneca - Apocolocyntosis, I, 1)
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