Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 46

  1. A verbis ad verbera - From words to blows (Legal term)
  2. A vinculo matrimonii - From the bounds of matrimony (Legal term)
  3. Ab abrupto - Abruptl
  4. Ab absurdo - From the absurd (Philosophical term - used in logic to argue that the oposing position is absurd)
  5. Ab aeterno - From the eternity
  6. Ab alio expectes alteri quod feceris - Expect to receive such treatment as you have given (Syrus - Sententiae)
  7. Ab alta cuncta - From the altitud
  8. Ab amando ductum est amicitiae nomen - From loving (amando) derives the word friendship (amicitiae)
  9. Ab amico reconciliato cave - Beware of the reconciled friend
  10. Ab ante - From before
  11. Ab antecedente - In adavance (Legal term)
  12. Ab antiquo - From a long time ago
  13. Ab Apostolis approbata - Approved by the apostles (Ecclesiastical term)
  14. Ab esse ad posse valet consequentia - As a consequence of the reality, it is a possibility (Philosophical term - Since it is real, it is possible)
  15. Ab exordio generis humani - Since the beginning of the human race
  16. Ab exordio mundi - Since the beginning of the world
  17. Ab exordio vitae - Since the beginning of life
  18. Ab homine quaesivi quis esset - Asked the man, who he was
  19. Ab Imis Fundamentis - From my deepest roots (About restoration or reconstruction)
  20. Ab imis unguibus usque ad verticem summum - From the bottom of the toenail to the highest part of the body (Cicero - Pro Q Roscio Comoedo, 20)
  21. Ab immemorabilis - From when there was no memory
  22. Ab imo pectore - From my chest (Julius Caesar - Frankly - From my heart)
  23. Ab initio - From the beginning
  24. Ab insomne custodita dracone - Protected by a sleepless dragon
  25. Ab integro - By whole

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