Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 425

  1. Apud iudisem - Near the judgement (Legal term - procedural stage before the judge presented his sentence)
  2. Aqua ardens - Ardent Water (Burning water - Distilled liquor - 60% alcohol - Compare with aqua vitae)
  3. Aqua et igne interdictus - Deprived of fire and water
  4. Aqua vitae - Water of Life (Distilled liquor - 90% alcohol - Compare with aqua ardens)
  5. Aquila non capit muscas - The eagle does not catch flies (Important people trouble themselves with small matters)
  6. Aquila Rapax - Rapacious Eagle (Pope Pius VII (1800-1823) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - Some people relate this motto to Napoleon's emblem, which was an eagle. They said that he was a weak pope, Napoleon's puppet )
  7. Ara Solis - Altar of the sun
  8. Aratrum terrae - Plow of land (Extension of land that can be plowed with just one plow)
  9. Arbiter compromissarius - Arbiter of compromise (Legal Term - A referee who was chosen by the two parties in dispute)
  10. Arbiter elegantiarum - Referee of Elegance (Authority in matters of taste)
  11. Arbiter ex nudo pacto - Arbiter without covenant (Legal term - A referee who was chosen by the two parties of the dispute, but they are not obliged to obey his decision)
  12. Arbiter in causis bonae fidei - Arbiter in good faith (Legal term)
  13. Arbiter in stricti iuris - Arbiter in strict judgment (Legal term - A referee who was assigned to strictly follow the law)
  14. Arbiter iuratus - Sworded arbiter (Legal term - Referee which both parties in dispute swore to obey)
  15. Arbiter nihil extra compromissum facere potest - The arbitrator can do nothing beyond the agreement to arbitrate (Legal Term)
  16. Arbiter sententia iudicum constitutus - Arbiter appointed to settle the sentence (Legal term - Referee assigned by a judge to settle the accounts)
  17. Ardet nec consumitur - Burned but not destroyed (Motto Grimbergen Belgian Abbey Beer - The estate had burned and rebuilt many times since its foundation in 1128)
  18. Arenae semina mandas - Sowing in the sand (Ovid - You are wasting my time)
  19. Argentum accepti, dote imperium vendidi - I have accepted the money and for a dowry sold my freedom. (Plautus, Asinaria)
  20. Argentum Virtus Robur et Studium - Argentine virtue is strength and study (Academic Term - Motto of the University of Buenos Aires)
  21. Argue sapientem et diliget te - Reprove a wise man, and he will love thee (Vulgate - Proverbs 9, 8)
  22. Argumentum a maiori ad minus - Argument from major to minor (Legal term - Applied to civil law where if one party has rights to the larger item, it also has it to he smaller one)
  23. Argumentum a minori ad maius - Argument from minor to minor (Legal term)
  24. Argumentum a pari - Argument by similarity (Philosophical term used in logic - Argument from similar propositions)
  25. Argumentum ad antiquitatem - Argument to antiquity (Legal term - Consists of saying that if something is done by tradition, then it is not illegal)

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