Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 4071

  1. Vestis virum facit - The clothes make the man (Erasmus)
  2. Vetus Latina - Old Latin (Refers to the old version of the Bible, prior to the Vulgate)
  3. Vetustas pauca non depravat, multa tollit - Few things do not degenerate with old age, many are suppressed (Varro De Lingua Latina, V, 5)
  4. Vexilla Regis prudeunt inferni - The banners of the King of Hell draw closer (Vexilla Regis Latin hymn by Venantius Fortunatus, Bishop of Poitiers)
  5. Vi faculatum mihi archrepiscopalis concessarum dispensantur in Bannis - By virtue granted to the archiepiscopal faculty administered in Banner
  6. Vi Veri Universum Vivus Vici - By the power of truth, I, while mortal, have conquered the universe.
  7. Vi veri Veniversum vivus vici - By the power of truth, I, living, have conquered the universe ("The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus" by Christopher Marlowe)
  8. Via crucis - The road of the cross
  9. Via trans - Tyberina - Road Beyond the Tiber (Antipope Paschal III (1164-1168) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - He was a Cardinal of the title of St. Mary's in Transtevere, which refers to Transtibernia, as Tiber river crosses it)
  10. Viam Sapientiae Monstrabo - The wisdom will show you the way (Motto of the Abat Oliba University in Barcelona)
  11. Viam supervadet vadens - Path will be overcomed by the one who walks it.
  12. Vicarius Filii Dei - Vicar of the Son of God (Words are engraved on the crown of the Pope)
  13. Vici mea fata vivendo - I conquered my destiny by living (Virgil - Aeneid)
  14. Victis honor - The honor of the vanquished
  15. Victoria natura est insulens et superba - Victory is by nature superb and insulting. (Horace)
  16. Victoribus Spolia - To the victor goes the spoils (Motto of the USS Jackson - LCS 6)
  17. Victrix causa deis placuit, sed vica Catoni - The victorious cause pleased the gods, but the conquered cause pleased Cato (Luncan Bellum Civile I, 128i - Motto of the Confederate Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery)
  18. Victus et amictus - Food and clothing (Basic needs)
  19. Vide Cor Meum - Look at my heart (Love phrase)
  20. Vide supra - See above (Used in texts)
  21. Videamus primum deorumne providentia mundus regatur - Let us consider first whether the universe is governed by the foresight of the gods (Cicero)
  22. Videamus utrum animus inmortalis sit, an simul cum corpore pereat - Let's see if the soul is immortal or perishes with the body
  23. Videlicet - Namely (Meaning, abbreviated as Viz.)
  24. Video barbam et pallium,philosophum nondum video - I see the beard and cloak, but I do not see the philosopher (A. Gellius upon being presented a philosopher)
  25. Video meliora proboque, deteriora sequor - I see what is better and I approve, but I still follow the worse

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