Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 3996

  1. Vade plus ultra - Go beyond (Don't be limited, discover new frontiers)
  2. Vade Retro Satana - Go back Satan (Vulgate - Mark 8, 33 - Said to Jesus to Saint Peter)
  3. Vade vade muss estulturum - Go back, go back, silly rat
  4. Vae puto deus fio - Oh, I think I'm becoming god! (Last words of Emperor Flavius Vespasianus Augustus)
  5. Vae solis - Woe to those who are alone
  6. Vae sophistis qui cavillis et tropis tergiversantur - Woe to the Sophists who when they speak, they misrepresent things with their jokes and tropes! (Philosophical Term - Michael Servetus (1511-1553) in his book "Christianismi Restitutio" page 91)
  7. Vae tibi nigrae, dicebat caccabus ollae - Woe to you, black, said the pot to the kettle
  8. Vae Victis - Woe to the conquered ( - Thank you: Adalbert )
  9. Vae Victus - Woe to the Vanquished (Battle cry of the lord of the Vampires, Kain, in the game Blood Omen)
  10. Vallis altitudo est mea fortitudo - The high valley is my fortitude
  11. Vana sine viribus ira est - Anger is futile without a strong hand
  12. Vanitas vanitatum et omnia vanitas - Vanity of vanities, all is vanity (Vulgate - Ecclesiastes 1, 2)
  13. Variatio delectat - Change is delicious (Cicero)
  14. Varium et mutabile semper, Femina - Volatile and capricious always, women (Vergil - Aeneid)
  15. Ve lictor expediten crucis - Minister, prepare the cross (Attributed to Pilate ordering the executioner to prepare the cross for Jesus Christ - Book Story of Jesus by Giovanni Pappini)
  16. Velis nolis - Like it or not (ie, by force)
  17. Vellem equidem idem possem gloriari quod Cyrus - I'd really like to boast about the same as Ciro (Cicero)
  18. Velut silva floreat - May she flourish as the forest (Motto of East Dean Rural District in Gloucestershire, England)
  19. Vendidit hic auro patriam - He sold his country for gold (Virgil - Aeneid)
  20. Veneris dies - Venus day (Friday)
  21. Veni Creator Spiritus - Come creator spirit (Ecclesiastical Term - Part of a chant invoking the Holy Spirit)
  22. Veni Redemptor gentium - Come Redeemer of people (Ecclesiastical Term - Christmas Hymn)
  23. Veni, vidi, vici - I came, I saw, I conquered (Julius Caesar)
  24. Venire contra factum proprium non valet - It is not allowed to come against one's own facts (Legal Term - Also known as estoppel)
  25. Venire facias - You must make come (Legal Term, also known as summons)

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