Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 3946

  1. Ut honestioribus potius fides testibus habentur - Greater faith will be given to the most honorable witnesses (Legal term - Justinian (482-565) Cod.4,20,9)
  2. Ut hora sic fugit vita tempus edax rerum - When the life our passes, time devours everything (Inscription in a in a seventeenth-century astrolabe at Maritime Museum in London)
  3. Ut in hominibus quaedam sunt agnationes ac gentilitates, sic in verbis - As among men there are certain kinships among gentile groups, so there are among words (Varro De Lingua Latina, VIII, 4)
  4. Ut incepit Fidelis sic permanet - Loyal she began, loyal she remains (Motto of Ontario, Canada)
  5. Ut infra - Same as below
  6. Ut innotescat multiformis sapientia dei - For the multiple forms of the wisdom of God (Motto of the Catholic University Andres Bello in Caracas, Venezuela)
  7. Ut ne quid falsi, dicere audeat, ne quid veri non audeat - Let him not dare to utter anything that is false, nor let him dare to speak what is not true (Cicero - De Oratore)
  8. Ut placeas debes immemor esse tui - To please, you must forget yourself (Love phrase)
  9. Ut placeat deo et hominibus - To please God and men (Motto of Plasencia, Extremadura, Spain)
  10. Ut plures corrigantur, rite unus perit - To correct most, it is customary to punish one
  11. Ut retro - As in the back
  12. Ut sementem feceris, ita metes - You reap as you sow (Cicero)
  13. Ut supra - As above (To avoid repetition)
  14. Ut supra demonstratum est - As demonstrated above (Coronation of conclusions, but many people use it without proving anything)
  15. Ut tensis sic vis - As is the tension, as is the force (Hooke's law of elasticity - The displacement or size of the deformation is directly proportional to the deforming force or load)
  16. Ut tu primus sis - You first
  17. Ut vitam habeant et abundantius habeant - So they may a rich and satisfying life (Vulgate - John 10,10)
  18. Uter vestrum mecum veniet? - Which of you two will come with me?
  19. Uterus valet policies condo possidentis - It is allowed for the owner to hide the uterus
  20. Uti, non abuti - Use, do not abuse
  21. Uti possidetis ita possideatis - As you possessed you shall possess henceforth (Legal Term - International law that establishes that the borders of a colony or political subdivision will become the respected international boundaries once independence is achieved - This principle was incorporated in order to define the limits of the emerging nations)
  22. Uti possidetis iure - As possessed according to law (Legal Term)
  23. Uti rogas - As asked (Legal term - Means that it was approved, as requested)
  24. Utile et dulce - Useful and sweet
  25. Utinam populus Romanus unam cervicem haberet! - I wish the Roman people had but one neck! (Caligula)

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