Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 3918

  1. Unis Equious - One horse
  2. Universi pacem precibus exposcunt - They all asked for peace with their prayers (Livy 1,16)
  3. Universitas Lucentina. Iter facite eius quae ascendit super occasum - University Lucentina. Paves the way to those who ascend from the west (Motto on the coat of the University of Alicante - was taken from the Vulgate, book of Psalms, fifth verse of Psalm 67)
  4. Universitas Lux et Sapientia Est - University is light and wisdow (Thank you: Estrella Medina)
  5. Universitas non moritur - The corporation does not die (Legal term - it says alive even after its founders die)
  6. Universitas valentina Anima Mens et Vigor - Valentina's University Sould, mind and Strength (Motto of José Antonio Páez University in San Diego, Carabobo, Venezuela)
  7. Universus hic mundus una civitas exsistimanda - The world at large has to be considered as one urban community (Philosophical Term - Cicero)
  8. Uno ictu - (Legal Term - Rights that are automatically transmitted)
  9. Unum et idem - One and the same
  10. Unum necessarium - The one thing necessary
  11. Unus Mundus - One world
  12. Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno - One for all, all for one
  13. Unus testis, nullus testis - One witness is no witness (Legal Term - The law requires more than one witness to judge - Thank you: Dietrich Hartmann )
  14. Unusquisque in suo sensu abundet - Each on their own, in their own way
  15. Unusquisque mavult credere quam iudicare - Everyone prefers to believe than to discuss (to think - Seneca)
  16. Urbi et Orbi - For the city and for the world (To everyone, the city refers to Rome)
  17. Urbs a Romulo vocata est Roma - The city was called Rome, because of Romulus)
  18. Ursus velox - The speedy bear (Motto of Pope Clement XIV (1769-1774), according to the prophecies of St. Malachy - His family coat of arms had bear. Note that this motto is also quoted as visus velox, "Swift glance", and a different explanation is given for that)
  19. Usque ad nauseam - All the way to nausea
  20. Usque in aeternum - Until eternity
  21. Usteron proteron - The late earlier (Legal and philosophical term - Fallacy that assumes that something that has not been proven is true, figure of speech that reverses the natural order of words)
  22. Usucapion - Usucaption (Legal Term - Acquisition of property through long, undisturbed possession)
  23. Usus est magister optimus - Experience is the best teacher
  24. Usus fructus - Use of the fruit (Legal term - The benefit derived from something)
  25. Usus loquendi - Usage in speaking (The meaning of words that through use. Words may have a different meaning depending on the context where they are used)

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