Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 3847

  1. Tres faciunt collegium - Three is company
  2. Tribunicia auctoritas morum - Tribunal moral authority (Legal term)
  3. Tribunicia potestas - Tribunal power (Legal term)
  4. Tribunus me primum sententiam rogavit - The tribune asked my opinion first (Cicero)
  5. Tribunus militum - Military court (Abbreviated as Tr. mil.)
  6. Tribunus Plebis - Tribune of the masses (In ancient Rome this was a court made of plebs, common people - Abbreviated as Tr. pl.)
  7. Tribus continuis diebus festivis in ecclesia inter missarum solemnia - In three consecutive festive days, while mass is celebrated (Ecclesiastical Term - Spanish Church, Book of Marriages)
  8. Triunviri aere auro argento flando feriundo - Three manly men for striking and casting bronze, silver and gold (Same as Triunviri monetales)
  9. Triunviri capitales - Three manly captains (In ancient Rome, three men acting as judges in criminal cases which affected citizens and could result in a death sentence)
  10. Triunviri monetales - Three manly men of coins (In ancient Rome, three people in charge of supervising the coin making process)
  11. Tu in ea et ego pro ea - You in her, I am for her (Motto of the House of Alba in Sevilla, Spain)
  12. Tu infunde amorem cordibus - Your love inflames the heart
  13. Tu mihi sola places - Only you make me happy (Love phrase)
  14. Tu quoque, fili mii! - You too, my son (Last words of Caesar, when he Brutus among those who were stabbing him)
  15. Tu regere imperio fluctus, hispane memento - Spain, remember that you governed the empire of the seas (Tombstone at the Arsenal of Carrack, Cadiz, Spain)
  16. Tu tuum rem - You, to your issue
  17. Tua res agitur - This is in your interest
  18. Tune Mariun audebis occidere? - Do you dare to kill Gaius Marius? (Appian - Civil War - Gaius Marius said this to the soldier to kill him. That soldier did not dare after he heard this)
  19. Turris eburnea - Ivory Tower (Litany of the Virgin)
  20. Tutela est vis ac potestas in capite libero ad tuendum eum qui propter aetatem suam sponte se defendere nequit - Guardianship is power and authority to protect someone who because of his age, cannot protect himself (Legal term - definition of Tutela)
  21. Tuum Adoremus Nomen - Let us Adore Thy Name (Ecclesiastical term)
  22. Ubertas et fidelitas - Fertility and faithfulness (Motto of Tasmania, Australia)
  23. Ubi alium, ibi Roma - Where (smells like) garlic, there is Rome (Romans used lots of garlic)
  24. Ubi amor, ibi oculus - Where there is love, there is sight (St. Thomas Aquinas - Commentary on the Sentences 3 d. 35, I, 21. - True love is not blind)
  25. Ubi bene, ibi patria - Where you are well, that is your country

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