Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 3771

  1. Tanta vis est probitatis, ut eam vel in hoste diligamus - So great is the force of honesty, that we even appreciate it from an enemy (Cicero)
  2. Tantae molis erat romanam condere gentem - So great a task it as to found the Roman race (Virgil - Aeneid 1:33 - Rome wasn't built in a day !)
  3. Tantum ergo sacramentum veneremus cernui - So great sacrament, lets worship it in truth (St. Thomas Aquinas - Part of the hymn "Pange Lingua")
  4. Tantum est tacere verum quam falsum dicere - To hide a truth is the same as to lie
  5. Tantum possumus quantvm scimus - Our power is proportioned to our knowledge (Motto of Nariño University in Pasto, Colombia)
  6. Tantum religio potuit suadere malorum - So powerful is the religion as to bring men to do terrible things!
  7. Taqueant Colloquia Effugiat Risus Hic Locus Est Ubi Mors Gaudet Sucurrere Vitae - Let the conversion be silent, let the smile flee, because this is the place where death is happy to help life (Richard Preston - The Cobra Event)
  8. Tarde venientibus ossa - Only bones to the latecomers
  9. Tarraco Scipionum Opus - Tarragona work of Scipio (Scipio means staff. The Scipio was the patrician family of nobles, military, political, etc. most influential in the history of Rome, in the days of the Republic, during the Empire. Their influence lasted about 550 years from 370 BC -.. 180 AD)
  10. Tauri et ursi meritent pecunium sed porci non. - The bulls and the bears deserve to make money, but the pigs deserve nothing. (The optimists and the pessimists deserve to profit, the greedy deserve nothing. - Thank you: Steve)
  11. Te audire no possum - I cannot hear
  12. Te Deum Laudamus - We praise God (Old Christian hymn)
  13. Te futueo et caballum tuum - Screw you and your horse
  14. Te mihi materiam felicem in carmina proebe provenient causa carmina digna sua - You be the happy subject of my songs, and they will emerge worthy of the object that inspires them (Ovid Amores)
  15. Te solum vivere semel - You only live once
  16. Tecum habita et moris, quam sit tibi curta supellex - Live with yourself: get to know how poorly furnished you are (Persius -Satire IV, 52)
  17. Tecum vivere amem, tecum obeam libens - I want to live, and die with you. ( Horace - Thank you: Grant )
  18. Temet nosce memento qui se - Know yourself and discover who you are (from the movie Matrix)
  19. Temperare linguae, manibus, aetati - Restrain your tongue, hands, and youthful passion
  20. Temperare vim, sumptus, libertatem, annonam - Moderate violence, expenses, liberty and the price of corn
  21. Tempora labuntur, tacitisque senescimus annis - Time pases and silently we grow old over the years (Ovid - Metamorphosis I)
  22. Tempora mutantur - Times change
  23. Tempus edax rerum - Time devours all things (Ovid)
  24. Tempus fugit - Time is fleeting (Inscribed on clocks)
  25. Tempus fugit amor manet - Time flees, but love stays

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