Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 372

  1. Animo cupienti nihil satis festinatur - For an impatient spirit nothing is done too quickly
  2. Animo et fortuna parentis terror quod virtum - Courage and luck is related to terror and virtue
  3. Animula vagula blandula Hospes comesque corporis, Quae nunc abibis in loca Pallidula, rigida, nudula, Nec, ut soles, dabis iocos - Little soul, soft, wandering guest and friend of the body, you'll go now pale, hard, bare spots and you will not play, as you usually did (Philosophical Term - these words were spoken by the emperor Hadrian Augustus, expresses the dualism body and soul, at the approach of death, longing for love games)
  4. Animum debes mutare non caelum - You should change your attitude, not your sky (Seneca - Epistulae morales ad Lucilium, XXVIII - You don't make things better, just by moving to another place. You need to change your way of life.)
  5. Animus aequus optimum est aerumnae condimentum - A fair intent is the best seasoning for disaster (Plautus, Rudens)
  6. Animus confidenti - Intention to confess (Legal term)
  7. Animus defendendi - Intention to defend (Legal term)
  8. Animus domini - Intent to be owner (Legal term)
  9. Animus donandi - Intention to make a gift (Legal term)
  10. Animus hominis est inmortalis corpus mortale - The human soul is immortal, the body is mortal (Augustine)
  11. Animus in consulendo liber - Free spirit to decide (Cato the Elder - Motto of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization - NATO)
  12. Animus iniuriandi - Intent to injure (Legal term normally written as cum animo iniuriandi)
  13. Animus iocandi - Intent to joke (Legal term)
  14. Animus laedendi - Intent to injure (Legal term)
  15. Animus lucrandi - Intent to make a profit (Legal term)
  16. Animus necandi - Intent to harm (Legal term)
  17. Animus Possidendi - An intention to possess (Legal Term - In claims for adverse possession that concerns land, it is essential to prove that person who has physically possess the land must also have an intention to actually possess the land. Without which, no Adverse Possession could be established. - Thank you: Mathilda Kwong)
  18. Animus rem sibi habendi - Intent to keep the thing (Legal term)
  19. Animus revertendi - Intent to return (Legal term - Roman law applied to lost animals. They no longer belonged to their owner, if they left the property without the intent to return)
  20. Animus risu novatur - The spirit is refreshed with laughter (Cicero)
  21. Animus solvendi - Intention to pay (Legal term)
  22. Annalium ab excesu divi Augusti libri - Annal books since the death of the divine Augustus (Tacitus)
  23. Anno aerae vulgaris - The vulgar era (Same as: Common Era Anno Christi, and Anno Domini - Used to count time after the birth of Jesus Christ - Basis of the Western calendar - Abbreviated as AAV)
  24. Anno aetatis suae - In the year of his/her age (Refers to the inscription on the tomb that specifies the age of the deceased - Abbreviated as AAS)
  25. Anno Christi - Year of Christ (Same as Anno Domini - Used to count time after the birth of Jesus Christ - Basis of the Western calendar)

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