Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 3646

  1. Sit vobis labor levis - Let the work be light
  2. Slavorum apostoli - The apostles of the Slavs (Encyclical of Pope John Paul II)
  3. Societas Castulonensis - Castulo Mining Company (Company authorized by Rome for the exploitation of silver and lead mines Linares District (Castulo) in ancient Hispania - The SC brand has appeared in numerous coins minted in the area between I bC to I aD - Abbreviated as SC)
  4. Societas delinquere non potest - Societies may not transgress (Legal term)
  5. Societatis Iesus - Society of Jesus (Jesuits - Often abbreviated as SI)
  6. Socordiam eorum inridere libet qui praesenti potentia credunt extingui posse etiam sequentis aevi memoriam - It is a pleasure to laugh at the folly of those who think current power can extinguish the memory of future ages. (Tacitus - Annals IV, 35 - After the Senate condemned the "seditious" writer Cordus, they ordered all his books to be burned, yet they were still read in Tacitus' time. - Thank you: CJJ)
  7. Sol lucet omnibus - The sun shines for everyone (Gaius Petronius, Roman poet ¿-66 aD - We all have the same rights)
  8. Sola fide - Only through faith (Martin Luther - During the Protestant Reform)
  9. Sola scriptura - Only through writing (Martin Luther - During the Protestant Reform)
  10. Solem e mundo tollere videntur qui amicitiam e vita tollunt - It is like taking the sun from the world, the actions of those who to take friendship out of life (Cicero)
  11. Soli Deo - Only to God
  12. Soli Deo gloria - Glory to God alone
  13. Solis dies - Day of the sun (Sunday)
  14. Solitudinem fecerunt, pacem appellant - They made a desert and called it peace (Tacitus - Referring to the "Pax Romana" i.e. the destruction of Carthage by Rome)
  15. Sollicitudo rei sociales - The social concern of the Church (Encyclical of Pope John Paul II)
  16. Solum deum prae oculis - Only God before their eyes (Advice given to the voting cardinals in the conclave, according to "The Da Vinci Code" by Dan Brown)
  17. Solum quod dabis, habebis - You will only have what you give.
  18. Solus Deus iudicare me potest - Only God can judge me
  19. Solve et coagula - Dissolves and coagulates
  20. Solve et repete - Pay now and protest later (Legal term - Settle, then appeal)
  21. Somnis imago mortis - A dream is an image of death
  22. Specialia generalibus derogant - Specialized laws take precedence over general laws (Legal term)
  23. Spectaculorum procedere debet - The show must go on
  24. Spectatores plaudite - Audience clap (Request at the end of a Roma play)
  25. Speculum iustitiae - Mirror of Justice

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