Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 3518

  1. Semel heres, semper heres - If you are an heir, you always will be (Legal term: general principle of inheritance law, used to ensure time status as heir)
  2. Semel insanivimus omnes - We've all been crazy once
  3. Semem retentum, venenum est - Retained semen is poison (It is not good to go for a long time without ejaculating)
  4. Semper Aequitas - Equality always (Philosophical term)
  5. Semper Alere Flammam - Always feeding the flame (Motto of prep school #8 of the University of Nuevo Leon, Mexico)
  6. Semper Ascendens - Always Ascending (Motto of State of Nuevo Leon, Mexico)
  7. Semper deinceps - Always forward (Motto of GA-935 JROTC raider team - Thank you: Kendall)
  8. Semper Fidelis - Always Faithful (Marine Corp Motto)
  9. Semper gumby - Always flexible (Motto of the US Air Force - This sentence is a hack, it is evident that "gumby" is not Latin)
  10. Semper idem - Always the same (Cicero)
  11. Semper novarum rerum cupidus - Always eager to learn new things
  12. Semper Paratus - Always Ready (Motto of the United States Coast Guard - Thank you: E. Oleson)
  13. Semper primus - Always first (Motto of the US Navy)
  14. Semper ubi sub ubi - Always wear underwear (Thank you: Hunter Martin )
  15. Senatores non sciebant quare imperator id iussisset - The Senators did not know why the emperor had ordered this
  16. Senatus Consultum - Senate's decree
  17. Senatus PopulusQue Romanus - The Senate and People of Rome (Often abbreviated as SPQR)
  18. Senatus populusque romanus intelligit - The Senate and the Roman people understand (During the Roman Empire, this phrase was used with proposals to be presented to the Senate)
  19. Senectus ipsa est morbus - Old age itself is a disease
  20. Senior - Older
  21. Sensim sine sensu aetas senescit - Insensibly, without feeling, life is aging. (Cicero - De Senectute)
  22. Sensu latissimo - In the broadest sense
  23. Sensu strictissimo - In the strictest sense
  24. Sententia debet esse conformis libello - The sentence must be consistent with libel (Legal term)
  25. Sermo cotidianus - Normal street language (Lucilius - Book of Satires)

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