Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 3396

  1. Res mobilis, res vilis - Movable thing, useless thing (What is worth something is the real estate, the stuff that cannot be moved out of the domain)
  2. Res nata non fecit - A born thing, not made
  3. Res non verba - Things, not words
  4. Res nullius - Nobody's thing (Legal term)
  5. Res perit domino - The perishes for its owner (Legal term)
  6. Res publica - Public thing (Legal term - public domain)
  7. Res Publica Romanorum - The Roman Republic
  8. Res salsa est bene olere et esurire - It's a tasty thing, to smell good and be hungry (Martial 3,12)
  9. Res severa est verum gaudium - True happiness is a serious thing
  10. Res soli - Things of the ground (Legal term - Whatever is attached to the ground)
  11. Res transit cum onere suo - The thing transits with its law (Legal term - Certain goods pose obligations, regardless of their owner)
  12. Restitutio ad integrum - Return to the integral state (Medical term - denotes that tissues are restored in full)
  13. Reverentia cruci - Reverence to the cross
  14. Reverteri ad locun tum - Go back to your place ( Thank you: mauro )
  15. Revolvere iter - Return to the journey (Publius Vergilius Maro)
  16. Rex non potest peccare - The king cannot sin
  17. Ridentem dicere verum quid vetat - That prevents me from telling the truth with a smile (Horace)
  18. Rigor mortis - Stiffness of Death (Applied to the rigidity of the body after death)
  19. Risu inepto res ineptior nulla est - There is nothing more silly than a silly laugh
  20. Risum teneatis - Contained laugh (Ironic comment made when someone does something foolish)
  21. Risus abundat in cor homini - Laughter abounds in the human heart
  22. Risus abundat in ore stultorum - Laugher abounds in the mouth of the fool
  23. Ritus initialis - Initiation rites
  24. Rixari de lana caprina - Argue over a goat's hair (Horace - For no reason)
  25. Rogate quae ad pacem sunt Ierusalem - Pray for those that are for the peace of Jerusalem (Vulgate - Book of Psalms, 122, 6)`

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