Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 3368

  1. Regnum Hispania gratia plena - Kingdom of Spain, full of grace (Motto of Juan Carlos Valdeverde Sancho)
  2. Regnus Agnus Mundi - The kingdom of lambs in the world (Philosophical term)
  3. Regula iuris - Rule of Law (Legal term)
  4. Reiecto civitatis - Renunciation of Citizenship (One of the causes for losing rights in the ancient Roman Republic)
  5. Relata refero - Telling it, how it was told (Herodotus - I do not add anything of my own)
  6. Religio Depopulata - Unpopulated Religion (Pope Benedict XV (1914-1922) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies There is no association with his coat of arms, name or birth place. Some people say it is because he reigned during War War I and the Russian Revolution)
  7. Reliquas omnis munitiones ab ea fossa passus quadringentos reduxit - He withdrew all other fortifications up to four hundred paces from this pit (Caesar - Bello Gallico VII)
  8. Rem facias, rem, si possis, recte; si non, quocumque modo - Make money, money. If you can, honestly, if not, in any way you can (Horace Epistulae)
  9. Rem tene, verba sequentur - If you master the subject, the words will come alone (Marcus Porcius Cato)
  10. Remotio obicis - Removal of an impediment (Ecclesiastical term - As in the removal of sin as an impediment to the reception of grace)
  11. Renovatio ab imis - Renewal from the core
  12. Renta per capita - Income per head (The income of the country, indicating what each person makes)
  13. Repetitio est mater studiorum - Repetition is the mother of study
  14. Repetitio et variatio - Repetition and variation
  15. Requiem - Rest (Song sung at funerals)
  16. Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine: et lux perpetua luceat eis - Give them lord eternal rest and let the perpetual light shine over them (Ecclesiastical term)
  17. Requiescat In Pace - Rest in Peace (Inscription on tombs, often abbreviated as RIP)
  18. Rerum humanarum domina Fortuna - The mistress of human affairs is luck.
  19. Rerum novarum - Of the new things (Ecclesiastical term - Encyclical letter by Pope Leo XII concerning the conditions of the working classes)
  20. Res ad triarios venit - The thing has come to the Triarii (Critical issue - The Triari were the reserved soldiers. When it got to this point in war, it meant that all the front soldiers had fallen)
  21. Res comunes omnium iure naturali - Common things belong to everyone by natural law (Legal term)
  22. Res derelicta, primi occupantis, belong to the first who finds them - Unattended thing (Legal term)
  23. Res firma mitescere nescit - The firm are not known to bow
  24. Res gestea - Bring forth the thing (Legal Term: To bring forth all witness, person involved in said case including all documents pertaining to a case by the court with only those exceptions in the hearsay rule. This holds the judge accountable for the truth. Blacks 4th edition - Thank you: hungerford)
  25. Res inter alios acta - A thing made between others (Legal term - Contracts only affect the signing parties, does not cover others)

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