Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 3318

  1. Quot hostis, servi tot - As many slaves, so many enemies (Phaistos - Verborum Significatione)
  2. Quot Rami Tot Arbores - As many branches, so many trees (Motto of Allahabad University, India (Thank you: A. K. Mehrotra)
  3. Quousque tandem abutere, Catilina, patientia nostra - Until when, Catiline, will you abuse our patience (Exordium of Cicero's first diatribe, where he complains to the Roman senate about Catiline conspiracy)
  4. Rana Seriphia - A frog from Serpiphos (A person who does not say much. The frogs from the island of Seriphos are mute)
  5. Rara avis - Rare bird (Unusual or exceptional)
  6. Rara avis in terris nigroque simillima cycno - A rare bird on earth and like a black swan (Juvenal - Satires VI )
  7. Rara est ora et brevis mora - Rare is the limit and brief is the rest
  8. Rara temporum felicitate, ubi sentire quae velis, et quae sentias dicere licet - What uncommon fate of these times, where you can think what you want and say what you think (Publius Cornelius Tacitus, Histories, I, 1)
  9. Rari nantes in gurgite vasto - Rare survivors in the immense sea (Philosophical term - Virgil - Aeneid, I, 118)
  10. Rastrum in Porta - The Rake at the Door (Pope Innocent XII (1691-1700) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies)
  11. Rata parte - Calculated part (Pro rata, in proportion)
  12. Ratem crede ventis, anima ne crede puellis namque es feminea tutior unda fide - Trust your ship to the winds, but not your soul to the maidens, since the waves are safer than the fidelity of a woman
  13. Ratio agendi - Reason for acting (Legal term)
  14. Ratio autem nihil aliud est quam in corpus humanum pars divini spiritus mersa - Reason is nothing other than a part of the divine spirit merged into the body of human beings (Seneca - The Epistles)
  15. Ratio cognoscendi - Reason of Knowing (Legal Term and also philosophical term, ethics)
  16. Ratio descidendi - Reason for acting (Legal term)
  17. Ratio essendi - Reason of being (Legal and philosophical term, ethics)
  18. Ratio et cor - Reason and heart
  19. Ratio iuris - Justice rason of justice (Legal term)
  20. Ratio nihil aliud est quam in corpus humanum pars divini spiritus mersa -
  21. Ratio Suma - Supreme reason (Legal term)
  22. Rationae loci - Because of the place (Legal term)
  23. Rationae materiae - Because of the mater (Legal term)
  24. Rationae personae - Because of the person (Legal term)
  25. Rationae quantitatis - Because of the amount (Legal term)

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