Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 3296

  1. Quod natura seponat socialitas copulat - What nature separates, society unites (Philosophical Term)
  2. Quod non fecerunt barbari, fecerunt Barberini - What the barbarians did not do, the Barberini did (When the barbarians invaded Rome, they left the Pantheon intaact. However, Pope Urban VIII, destroyed the bronze ceiling to be used for the fortification of Castel Sant'Angelo)
  3. Quod non me vincit fortiorem me facit - What does not beat me, makes me stronger
  4. Quod non videt oculus, cor non dolet - What the eye does not see, does not pain the heart
  5. Quod nullum est, nullum efectum producit - What is null, produces no effect (Legal term - Civil law - for example, a null contract does not trigger legal consequences)
  6. Quod numquam reddas, commodet, ipsa roga - Beg him to lend you, what you will never give back (Ovid Amores)
  7. Quod onmis tanget ab omnibus approbetur - What touches everyone, needs to be approved by everyone (Legal term)
  8. Quod plerumque fit - What usually happens (Legal term - M.ª Lourdes Martinez de Morentin Llamas Dykinson, 2008 ISBN 978-84-9849-028-2 )
  9. Quod principi placuit, legis habet vigorem - What pleases the prince has the force of law
  10. Quod scripsi, scripsi - What I wrote, it is written (Vulgate - John 19:22 - Pontius Pilate in reference to the sign he put on the cross)
  11. Quod si dolo possesoris fugerit dammandum eum, quasi possideret - If the defendent committed fraud and lost the object, he will be demanded as if he still had it (Legal term of Domitius Ulpian, Digest 6.1,22 )
  12. Quod templum ruit? - What temple is collapsing?
  13. Quod tibi non vis, alteri ne facias - What you don't want for yourself, don't do to another
  14. Quod ut superbo prouoces ab inguine, ore adlaborandum est tibi - If you want to raise my proud crotch, you have to work it with the mouth. (Horace Epodes, VIII, 18)
  15. Quod Valedico Vestrum Animus - Say goodbye to your souls
  16. Quod visum placet - That which pleases merely by being seen (Saint Thomas Aquinas)
  17. Quomodo vales? - How are you doing? (Common salutation among Romans)
  18. Quorum - Whose, who (are required for a meeting)
  19. Quorum aliquem vestrum, unum esse volumus - Of whom we wish some one of you to be one
  20. Quorum praesentia sufficit - Whose presence is enough
  21. Quos licet Hebraei inter apocrypha separent, Ecclesia Christi tamen inter divinos libros et honorat et praedicat - Although the Hebrews consider these books among the apocryphal, the Church honors and preaches these books as divine (Isidore of Seville, referring to the deuterocanonical books)
  22. Quot homines, tot sententiae - So many men, so many opinions (Terence)
  23. Quot hostis, servi tot - As many slaves, so many enemies (Phaistos - Verborum Significatione)
  24. Quot Rami Tot Arbores - As many branches, so many trees (Motto of Allahabad University, India (Thank you: A. K. Mehrotra)
  25. Quousque tandem abutere, Catilina, patientia nostra - Until when, Catiline, will you abuse our patience (Exordium of Cicero's first diatribe, where he complains to the Roman senate about Catiline conspiracy)

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