Latin Phrases and Quotes Starting with phrase number 321
- Amata bene - Well loved
- Amator Crucis - Lover of the Cross (Pope Antipope Felix V (1439-1449) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - He was called Amadeus, Duke of Savoy. His coat of arms was a cross)
- Amen dico vobis quia unus vestrum me traditurus est - Truly I say to you that one of you shall betray me (Vulgate - Matthew 26, 20 - Said by Jesus)
- Ames parentem, si aequus est: si aliter, feras - Love your father, if he is just; if he is otherwise, bear with him (Syrus)
- Amici, diem perdidi - A Friends, I lost a day (Vespasian)
- Amicitia amicorum magnam laetitiam nobis parat - The friendship of the great friends, joy lies ahead (Although it seems redundant, it is not. On the contrary the author wants to draw attention to true friendship)
- Amicitia pulchra est - Friendship is beautiful
- Amicitia quae desinere potest, vera nunquam fuit - A friendship that can cease, was never a true friendship (St. Jerome)
- Amicitia semper prodest, amor aliquando etiam nocet - Friendship always takes advantage, love sometimes fails (Seneca)
- Amicitia te cum mihi non est - I do not have friendship with you
- Amicitia vera illuminat - Authentic friendship shines
- Amicitiae nostrae memoriam spero sempiternam fore - I hope that the memory of our friendship will be everlasting. (Thank you: Cicero)
- Amicule, deliciae, num is sum qui mentiar tibi? - Love, sweetheart, would I lie to you
- Amicus Actus - Amicable or Friendly - Thank you: Julio Ramirez
- Amicus certus in re incerta cernitur - A certain friend is seen in an uncertain matte
- Amicus curiae - A friend of the court (Legal term - Advisor in matter of law)
- Amicus est tamquam alter idem - A friend is the same for another me
- Amicus fidelis protectio fortis; qui autem invenit illum, invenit thesaurum. Amico fideli nulla est comparatio, et non est ponderatio contra bonitatem illius - A faithful friend is a sturdy shelter; The one who finds one finds a treasure (Vulgate Sirach /Ecclesiastes 6, 14)
- Amicus humani generis - A friend of the human race (A philanthropist - It is also used in a satirical sense to describe people who are friends of the whole world without actually be friends with anyone, for example television personality and political leaders)
- Amicus Plato, sed magis amica veritas - Plato I love, but I love Truth more (Latin translation of Socrates quote)
- Amicus protectio fortis - Strong protection by friends (Motto of Cedros school in Mexico City)
- Amicus usque ad aras - A friend as far as the altars (A friend whose only higher allegiance is to the Church, only God can separate them)
- Amittit merito proprium qui alienum adpetit - He deservedly loses his own property who covets the property of others (Phraedo Book 1, Fable 4 Canis per fluvium carnem ferens)
- Amor animi arbitrio sumitur, non ponitur - We choose to love, we do not choose to cease loving (Syrus)
- Amor es fortior amitia - Love is stronger than friendship (Friendship can fail but true love fails not - Thank you: DR Goelic Medici )
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