Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 3184

  1. Quem puerum vidisti formosum, hunc vides deformem in senecta - The child that dresses beautifully, looks deformed in old age (Varro - De lingua Latina, V)
  2. Quem recitas, meus est, o Fidentine, libellus: sed male cum recitas, incipit esse tuus - The book that you recite is mine, Fidencio; but when you do it wrong, it becomes yours (Phaedrus)
  3. Quemadmodum gladis nemeinum occidit, occidentis telum est - The sword is never a killer, it is a tool in the hand of a murderer (People kill people, not guns)
  4. Qui absens iudicio, defensus non fuerit - The one who is absent at trial will not be defended (Legal term - Cicero - Pro Quinctio, 19, 60)
  5. Qui acceperint gladium, gladio peribunt - Those who live by the sword will die by the sword (Vulgate - Matthew 26: 52)
  6. Qui accepit satisfactionem, iniuriam suam remisit - The one who accepts the remedy, forgets the injury (Legal term)
  7. Qui aures audiendi, audiat - The one who has ears to hear, let him hear
  8. Qui bene amat, bene castigat - Who loves well, punishes well
  9. Qui casum allegat ipsum probet - The one who alleges fortuitous event must prove it (Legal term)
  10. Qui cum puellis pernoctat, excrementatus alboreat - Whoever lays down with children, wakes up peed upon
  11. Qui dammnare potest is absolvendi quoque potestatem habet - The one who can condemn also has the ability to absolve
  12. Qui dedit benificium taceat; narret qui accepit - The one that makes an act of kindness in the street should be silent, the one that receives it should tell about it (Seneca)
  13. Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum - (Flavius Vegetius Renatus - Epitome Rei Militaris III - Also popular as Si vis pacem, para bellum )
  14. Qui docet discit - Those who teach learn
  15. Qui equivocantur vocantur equi - Those who err are called horse
  16. Qui facit per alium facit per se - The one who works for another, works for himself
  17. Qui genus humanum ingenio superavit - The man whose genius surpassed that of all others (Plaque dedicated to Sir Isaac Newton at Trinity University)
  18. Qui intellectum habeat, ut intellegant - He who has understanding, let him understand (Philosophical term - David Mis'ari Torpoco - "Philosophical proverbs")
  19. Qui iure suo utitur, nemini injuriam facit - Those who used their rights, do not harm anyone (Legal term)
  20. Qui latrones igitur siquidem vos consules qui praedones qui hostes qui proditores qui tyranni nominabuntur ? - So, who will be called a thief, who a pirate, who a foe, who a traitor, who a tyrant?, who?, if you are called consuls? (Cisero - In L. Calpurnium Pisonem X)
  21. Qui me amat, amet et canem meum - Anyone who loves me should also love my dog
  22. Qui Modeste Paret, Videtur Qui Aliquando Imperet Dignus Esse - the one who obeys with modesty appears worthy of being some day a commander (Cicero De Legibus, III, 5 - ) (Thank you: James A Addy ))
  23. Qui modo Nasonis fueramus quinque libelli, tres sumus; hoc illi praetulit auctor opus Ut iam nulla tibi nos sit legisse voluptas, at levior demptis poena duobus erit - We who were before five books of Ovid Naso, we are now only three. The author of the work so ordered. If you do not experience any pleasure in our reading, at least your pain will ease, knowing of the removal of two books. (Ovid - Funny epigram at the beginning of the first book Amores)
  24. Qui multum habet, plus cupit - Those who have much, desire more
  25. Qui nescit dissimulare nescit regnare - He who does not know how to fake, does not know how to reign (Machiavelli's famous phrase)

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