Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 3146

  1. Pusillior sed et fortis - We are few, but strong (Philosophical term - Also motto of an old submersible Spanish Armada)
  2. Quadragesimo anno - Fortieth anniversary (Encyclical Letter of His Holiness Pius XI, commemorating the fortieth anniversary of the publication of Leo XIII's egregious encyclical Rerum Novarum)
  3. Quadringentos inde ferme passus constituit signa - He placed the banners to almost four hundred feet away (Livy - Book 34)
  4. Quae causa indigna serenos rostros foedavit vultus? - What was the unworthy cause that disfigured the serene faces? (Vergil)
  5. Quae est domestica sede iucundior? - What place is nicer than one's home? (Cicero)
  6. Quae potest esse vitae iucunditas, sublatis amicitiis? - What has life pleasant, if no friends? (Cicero De amicitia )
  7. Quae propter necessitatem recepta sum, non debent in argumentum trahi - What is admitted by necessity must not be take as evidence (Legal Term)
  8. Quae sursum sunt quaerite, quae sursum sunt sapite - Seek those things which are high, taste the ones that come from above (Vulgate - St. Paul - Colossians 3.1 and 3.2)
  9. Quaeque ipsa miserrima vidi, et quorum pars magna fui - So many terrible things I saw, and in so many of them I played a great part (Virgil - Aeneid)
  10. Quaere veritatem - Seek the truth (Bentleigh High School in Victoria, Australia, had this motto in the 1960s when I was a student - Thank you: Helen Scott)
  11. Quaerens quem devoret - Buscando a quien devoraret - Looking for someone to devour (Ecclesiastical term - Vulgate - Epistles I, 5, 8 - In reference to the devil)
  12. Quaerite adsidue eruditionem - Seek to constantly learn (Motto of University of St Andrews)
  13. Quaerite et invenietis - Seek and you shall find (Vulgate - Matthew 7: 7)
  14. Quaeritur primum regnum Dei - First seek the kingdom of God (Motto Newfoundland, Canada)
  15. Quaeritur primum regnum Dei et iustitiam eius, et haec omnia adiicientur - Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and the rest will be added unto you (Vulgate - Matthew 6:33)
  16. Quaero hominem - I am looking for man (Diogenes - It is so hard to find one in the full sense of the word)
  17. Quaestio in utramque partem - Both sides of the issue (Legal and Philosophical term)
  18. Quaestionem in aliquem ferre - Take someone into questioning (Legal Term - Cicero - Instigate legal proceedings against someone)
  19. Qualis artifex pereo - What an artist dies in me - (According to Suetonius, the last words of Emperor Nero before dying)
  20. Qualis pater, talis filius - Like father, like son (The apple does not fall far from the tree)
  21. Qualis rex, talis grex - So is the king, so is his flock
  22. Quam bene vivas refert, non quam diu - It's about how well you live, not how long (Seneca)
  23. Quam celerrime - As soon as possible (ASAP)
  24. Quam celerrime ad astra - As soon as possible to the stars (Motto of the Chilean Air Force)
  25. Quam se ipse amans, sine rivale - By loving yourself, with no rival (Cicero)

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