Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 3122

  1. Propter nuptias - Proper nuptials (Also the expression donation propter nuptias in reference to the donation parents made to their children wedding)
  2. Prosit - Cheers (Ecclesiastical term - after a meal and after the priests after Mass)
  3. Protestatio servat ius protestantis - The protest preserves the rights of those who protest
  4. Provida mater Ecclesia - Provident Mother Church (Ecclesiastical term - Apostolic Constitution of Pope Pius XII)
  5. Proximus sum egomet mihi - Charity begins at home (Terence)
  6. Psalteria rhythmica - Rhythms of Psalms
  7. Publicum ius est quod ad statum rei romanae spectat; privatum, quod ad singulorum utilitatem - Public law is looks over to the state of the Roman Republic; private, which looks over the good of the individual (Legal term in ancient Rome)
  8. Puella dominicana, feria secunda non Amat - Sunday girl does not love Mondays
  9. Puella improba, parvum improbus - Bad girl, boy bad
  10. Puer natus est nobis - A child is born to us (Ecclesiastical term - Introit of the third Mass on Christmas)
  11. Puer natus in Bethleem - A child is born in Bethlehem (Ecclesiastical term)
  12. Puer qui adest piger est - The child who is present, is lazy (He is not studying Latin hard enough)
  13. Pueri Hebraeorum - Jewish Children (Ecclesiastical term - Antiphon in the procession of the palms on Palm Sunday)
  14. Pueri pueri, pueri puerilia tractant - Kids will be kids and will be naughty
  15. Pulchra leonina - The beautiful lioness (Motto and popular name of the Lion Cathedral in Spain)
  16. Pulchra sunt quae visa placent - Beautiful are the things that please the eye
  17. Pulchre, bene, recte - Beautiful, good, correct
  18. Pulchrum est bene facere rei publicae - It is beautiful to do good things for the republic (Sallust, Conspiracy of Catiline III, 1)
  19. Pulsat et aperietu vobis - Knock and it shall be opened
  20. Pulsat, ululat, ama et clama ab absordo - Hit, shed tears, love and cry out loud at the absurdity
  21. Pulvis Et Umbra Sumus - We are dust and shadows (The Mortal Instruments, novel by Cassandra Clare)
  22. Punica fides - Punic faith (Love for the Carthaginian, representing treachery)
  23. Pure Puris omnia - For one who is pure, all that is pure
  24. Puri sermonis amator - Lover of pure and simple speach (said of Julius Caesar by Terence)
  25. Pusillior sed et fortis - We are few, but strong (Philosophical term - Also motto of an old submersible Spanish Armada)

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