Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 3043

  1. Pretium Doloris - Price of pain
  2. Pretium iustum mathematicum licet soli Deo notum - The price depends on many circumstances that only God knows
  3. Pretium Vilis - Low price
  4. Prima: Bene esse cum priore; Secunda: Relinquere omnia taliter qualiter; Tertia: Sinere mundum currere cum currit - First: Be good with the prior (boss); Second: Leave everything as it is (as you found it); Third: Let the world run, like it runs
  5. Prima cratera ad sitim pertinet, secunda ad hilaritatem, tertia ad voluptatem, quarta ad insaniam - The first cup is for the thirst, the second for the joy, the third for pleasure, the fourth to the madness
  6. Prima digestio fit in ore - The first digestion happens in the mouth
  7. Prima Facie - At first sight
  8. Prima inter urbes, divinum domus, aurea Roma - First among cities, home of the gods, golden Rome
  9. Prima luce - First light (at dawn)
  10. Prima non datur et ultima dispensatur - The first is not given and last is forgiven
  11. Primatus rem, iuris terminum - First thing, the limit of law (Legal Term)
  12. Primo mihi - First for me.
  13. Primo occupandi - To the first occupant
  14. Primo sic - In first place, like this.
  15. Primo Victoria - First Victory (The most important thing is to win)
  16. Primum movens - First mover (Philosophical term - Aristotle - Primary cause of all motion in the universe)
  17. Primum multarum semina rerum esse supra docui quae sint vitalia nobis et contra quae sint morbo mortique - I've explained before, that there are seeds of many things that are vital to us, and on the other hand, there are those that cause us illness and death (Lucretius - De Rerum Natura, VI)
  18. Primum non nocere - The first thing is to do no harm (Medical term is applied when you have to take a decision on a patient, so that the benefit is greater than the damage it can do)
  19. Primum vivere, deinde philosophari! - Live first and philosophize later (Philosophical term)
  20. Primus circumdedisti me - First to surround (Motto inscribed on the coat of arms of Juan Sebastian Elcano, who accompanied navigator Ferdinand Magellan in the first voyage around the world - Today is the name of the school-ship of the Spanish Armada)
  21. Primus inter pares - First among equals
  22. Primus millum paxarorum est - The first corn is for the bird
  23. Primus pilus prior - Primary of the first cohort (Senior Centurion of a legion)
  24. Princeps civium - The first of the citizens (title used by the emperor Octavian Caesar Augustus )
  25. Princeps Senatus - Leader of the senate (First among equals)

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