Latin Phrases and Quotes Starting with phrase number 3035
- Praesidet sacerdos muliebri ornatu, sed deos interpretatione Romana Castorem Pollucemque memorant - A priestess presiding in women's clothes, but in the interpretation of the Romans, they worshiped the gods Castor and Pollux (Cornelius - Germania)
- Praesto et presto - Available and ready
- Praeter legem - Beyond the Law (Legal term)
- Praeterea censeo Carthaginem esse delendam - Furthermore, I remain of the view that we should destroy Carthage (Marco Porcia Cato, Political and General Roman Censor 234-149 BC - He said this phrase after of all his speaches)
- Praeterita mutare non possumus, sed futura providere debemos - We can not change the past, but we anticipate the future (Cicero)
- Praetor a suis volebat amari - The magistrate wanted to be loved by his family
- Praetor urbanus - Urban magistrate.
- Praetus peregrinus - Peregrine praetor (Legal term - Manager of the administration of justice among people of various nationalities)
- Preparemus nos pro fine temporis: Ars longa sed tempus breve - Let's prepare for the end of times: Art lives long, but time is short ( Thank you: Dr Globalist Lawyer Riviere J. Goel )
- Presto esse alicui - Be available to someone
- Pretium Confessus - Price of confesion
- Pretium Doloris - Price of pain
- Pretium iustum mathematicum licet soli Deo notum - The price depends on many circumstances that only God knows
- Pretium Vilis - Low price
- Prima: Bene esse cum priore; Secunda: Relinquere omnia taliter qualiter; Tertia: Sinere mundum currere cum currit - First: Be good with the prior (boss); Second: Leave everything as it is (as you found it); Third: Let the world run, like it runs
- Prima cratera ad sitim pertinet, secunda ad hilaritatem, tertia ad voluptatem, quarta ad insaniam - The first cup is for the thirst, the second for the joy, the third for pleasure, the fourth to the madness
- Prima digestio fit in ore - The first digestion happens in the mouth
- Prima Facie - At first sight
- Prima inter urbes, divinum domus, aurea Roma - First among cities, home of the gods, golden Rome
- Prima luce - First light (at dawn)
- Prima non datur et ultima dispensatur - The first is not given and last is forgiven
- Primatus rem, iuris terminum - First thing, the limit of law (Legal Term)
- Primo mihi - First for me.
- Primo occupandi - To the first occupant
- Primo sic - In first place, like this.
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