Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 2972

  1. Plus ratio quam vis - Reason can do more than force.
  2. Plus ultra - Beyond (Motto of Spain)
  3. Podex perfectus es - You are a complete asshole
  4. Poenalitas sed non poena - Retribution is not punishment (Legal term)
  5. Poenam Tantali pati - Suffer Tantalus punishment (Refers to Tantalus, son of Jupiter, and is used to indicate that you can not always get what you want, no matter how close to it you get)
  6. Poenitentia Gloriosa - Glorious Penitence (Pope Alexander VIII (1689-1691) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - There is no association with his coat of arms, name or birth place. Some people say it is because he was named Peter, the apostle who repented after denying Christ)
  7. Poeta nascitur, non fit - The poet is born, is not mad
  8. Politico sine regio - Politician without a region (Found in many Catholic marriage entries)
  9. Pondus meum amor meus; eo feror, quocumque feror - My weight is my love; by that i am drawn wherever i am carried (Philosophical term - Augustine)
  10. Pontifex Maximus - Supreme Pontiff (Ecclesiastical Term - Refers to the Pope - Often abbreviated as P.M. or Pont. Max.)
  11. Popule meus, quid feci tibi? - My people, what have you done?
  12. Populo: Taceant, inquit, quibus Italia noverca, non mater est; et addidit - The people: be keep quiet, I say, Italy was a stepmother, not the mother - (Scipio Aemilianus said that a tribune in Rome in 132 BCE and the people considered it an insult and so began his political decline)
  13. Populorum progressio - The development of the people (Encyclical written by Pope Paul VI)
  14. Populum locuto, causa finita - If the people speak, there's nothing more to say
  15. Populus me sibilat at mihi plaudo Ipse domi simul ac nummos contemplar in arca - People hiss at me, but I applaude myself in my own house, and at the same time contemplate the money in my chest (Horace - Satire - on greed)
  16. Porro unum est necessarium - Only one thing is necessary (Vulgate - Said by Jesus Christ)
  17. Porta Scelerata - Criminal door (Historic site of ancient Rome)
  18. Posse Comitatus - Force of the County (Legal Term - Common Law)
  19. Posside sapientiam, quia auro melior est - Possessing wisdom is better than owning gold (Philosophical term)
  20. Possunt quia posse videntur - They can, because they think they can (Virgil)
  21. Post caritas Pestum - After charity plague
  22. Post coitum omne animal triste, nisi gallus qui canta - After intercourse every animal is sad, except the rooster that crows
  23. Post coitum tristitia - After intercourse sadness
  24. Post Data - After the date (Compare with Post Scriptum - Used in correspondence when a comment is added on a different day - abbreviated as PD)
  25. Post festum - After the party (too late)

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