Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 2922

  1. Pereant qui ante nos nostra dixerunt - May they perish who have uttered ours (our ideas) before us
  2. Peregrinatio ad Loca Sancta - Pilgrimage to the Holy Land
  3. Peregrinus Apostolicus - Apostolic Wanderer or Pilgrim (Pope Pius VI (1775-1799) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - There is no association with his coat of arms, name or birth place. Some people say it is because he was in exile during the French revolution)
  4. Perfer et obdura; dolor hic tibi proderit olim - Be patient and tough, this pain will serve you one day (Ovid)
  5. Pergratum mihi feceris - You would do me a big favor
  6. Periculosum est credere et non credere; Ergo exploranda est veritas multum, prius quam stulta prave iudicet sententia - It is dangerous to believe and not to believe; Then the truth is a lot of exploration, rather than a silly opinion erroneously that passes judgement (Phaedrus, Fabulae 3, 10: 5))
  7. Periculum in mora - Danger in delay (Legal term - the risk that the requested remedy may cause canceling the injunction requested)
  8. Perilli Libertas abstinendi a peccato - Lost the freedom to abstain from sin (Caius Plinius Secundus, Naturalis Historia )
  9. Perinde ac cadaver - As a corpse (Kill or be killed - Motto of the Jesuits)
  10. Peritia peritis - Master of masters
  11. Periture tuaque aliis documenta dature morte ait ede tuum nomen - Thou fellow, doomed to perish and by thy death to serve as a warning to others, tell me thy name. (Ovid - Metamorphoses)
  12. Permittiur quod non prohibetur - It is permitted what is not prohibited (Legal term)
  13. Persequentur vos in civitate ista, fugite in aliam - If you are persecuted in this city, flee to another (Vulgate - St. Matthew, 10-23)
  14. Persica, pira, poma, requirunt vina bona - Peaches, pears and apples, require good wines
  15. Persona grata - Person who pleases.
  16. Persona non grata - Undesirable person (Diplomatic term)
  17. Pertransivit benefaciendo - Went about doing good. (Vulgate - Acts 10.38 - Sentence of Peter)
  18. Perveni ad templum antequam portas aperirent - Came to the temple before the gates opened.
  19. Pestis eram vivus moriens tua mors ero - In life I was your disease, in death your plague (Martin Luther - start at the beginning of the story, "Metzengerstein" by Edgar Allan Poe, as an aphorism that encloses the conflict beyond the death between the two feuding families)
  20. Petitio principii - Begs the question (Legal term)
  21. Petitio Principii - Petition to the beginning (Philosophical term - Fallacy of assuming that the conclusion has the same meaning as the argument)
  22. Petrus apostulus postatem aceepit - Apostle Peter accepted the power.
  23. Philosophia est scientia omnium rerum sciliscet est cosmovisio realitatis et verbum est expresio conceptus - Philosophy is the science of all things, that is a worldview of the reality and the word is the expression of the concept
  24. Philosophiae Doctoris - Doctor of Philosophy (University Degree - highest academic degree in any field, not restricted to only philosophy - abbreviated as PhD)
  25. Philosophum non facit barba - The beard does not make the philosopher

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