A mensa et thoro - From table and bed (Legal term - separation)
A minima - For being too small (Legal term - Indicates that the case should go to a lower court)
A nativitate - From birth
A non domino - From the non owner (Legal term - Argument from the person who does not own the item in question)
A novo - From new (Again)
A pari - For the same (Philosophical term - Argument based on the similarity and equality of the facts)
A pedibus usque ad caput - From foot to head
A posse ad esse - From possibility to reality (Philosophical term )
A posteriori - After the fact (Legal term - actions after the fact - also philosophical term: from what is before - Inductive reasoning)
A priori - Before the fact (Legal term - Actions before the fact - First speech - Philosophical term: from what is before - Deductive reasoning)
A quo - From which (Legal term - the point which is initial limit of time)
A remotis - From remote (From far away)
A saeculo confregisti iugum tuum, rupisti vincula tua et dixisti: "Non serviam" In omni enim colle sublimi et sub omni ligno frondoso tu prosternebaris meretrix - Long ago you broke off your yoke and tore off your bonds; you said, 'I will not serve you!' Indeed, on every high hill and under every spreading tree you lay down as a prostitute (Vulgate - Jeremiah 2, 20)
A simili - By similarity
A solis ortus cardine - From eastern lands that first see the sun (Ecclesiastical term - Hymn for Lauds of Christmas morning)
A superbia initium sumpsit omnis perditio - From pride takes initiative all perdition(Ecclesiastical term used before the
A tempo - In time (Musical term - directive to return to the original tempo)
A verbis ad verbera - From words to blows (Legal term)
A vinculo matrimonii - From the bounds of matrimony (Legal term)
Ab abrupto - Abruptl
Ab absurdo - From the absurd (Philosophical term - used in logic to argue that the oposing position is absurd)
Ab aeterno - From the eternity
Ab alio expectes alteri quod feceris - Expect to receive such treatment as you have given (Syrus - Sententiae)
Ab alta cuncta - From the altitud
Ab amando ductum est amicitiae nomen - From loving (amando) derives the word friendship (amicitiae)