Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 2893

  1. Pedes in terra, ad sidera visus - Our feet on the ground and our sights at the stars (Motto of the National University of Tucuman, Argentina)
  2. Pedibus timor addit alas - Fear adds wings to the feet (Terror makes us extremely fast, compared to Mercury, with winged sandals)
  3. Pedicabo ego vos et irrumabo - I will sodomize you and you'll suck my dick (Catullus - Carmen 16 - considered one of the filthiest expressions ever written in Latin)
  4. Pelvis et umbra sumus - We are dust and shadow
  5. Penitentiam agite - Do penance
  6. Penitus toto divisos orbe Britannos - Deeply divided from the whole world are the British (Virgil: Eclogue I, 67)
  7. Per accidens - By accident (Philosophical term used in logic - By external force - Compare with per se)
  8. Per acclamationem seu inspirationem - By acclamation or inspiration (One of the three modes of election of the Roman Pontiff, now abolished)
  9. Per annum - Per year
  10. Per Ardua ad Astra - Through Difficulty to the Stars ( Motto of the Royal Air Force File - Thank you: Alasdair Rankin )
  11. Per Capita - Per head
  12. Per centum - Percent
  13. Per compromissum - By undertaking (One of the three modes of election of the Roman Pontiff, abolished in the present)
  14. Per crucem ad lucem - In light of the cross (Motto of Don Manuel Perez Rodriguez)
  15. Per Diem - Per day (Used for payment of daily expenses)
  16. Per fas et per nefas - For one reason or another
  17. Per incuriam - Through lack of care (Legal term - Lack of due regard to the law or the facts)
  18. Per obitum - By death (Legal term)
  19. Per omnia saecula saeculorum - For all ages of ages (forever)
  20. Per os - By word of mout
  21. Per Saecula - For the ages (Forever)
  22. Per saltum - By jumping (Legal term - Without right)
  23. Per sapientiam et laborem, ad lucem - From the knowledge and work towards the light (Vulgate - Proverbs - Motto on the shield of the University Foundation St. Maarten, Bogota , Colombia.)
  24. Per scrutinium - By scrutiny (One of the three modes of election of the Roman Pontiff, the only valid today)
  25. Per se - In and of itself (Philosophical term used in logic - Essential, True without having to refer to something else - Compare with per accidens)

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