Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 2872

  1. Pauca sed bona - Few (small quantities) is good)
  2. Pauca sed matura - Few but mature (Motto Karl Friedrich Gauss [1777-1855] The mathematician Gauss, although his work was huge, he did not published what he considered not finished and tentative)
  3. Paulo maiora canamus - Let us sing of somewhat greater things (Virgil)
  4. Pauperes commilitones Christi Templique Solomonici - Poor fellow soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon (Ecclesiastical term - Refers to the Templars)
  5. Pax - Peace (Diplomatic term - period of peace and international stability under the influence of a military power)
  6. Pax Christi - The peace of Christ
  7. Pax et Bonum - Peace and all good ( Thank you: Mark )
  8. Pax Orbis - World Peace
  9. Pax Romana - Roman Peace (Legal term - Officially recognized as a long period of peace imposed by the Roman Empire. Consisted of entertaining and satisfying the needs of the people conquered "under the protection of Rome. )
  10. Pax tecum, et cum spiritu tuo - Peace be with you, and with your spirit (Ecclesiastical Term - When you die go in peace - Thank you: Mrs. I.P. Freely)
  11. Pax vobiscum - May peace be with yo
  12. Pax vostrum - Your Peace (Greeting which means that peace be with you)
  13. Peccat in se et alium peccare facit - Sins against himself and causes others to sin (Legal term - Hans-Heinrich - It's about authorship and participation. Indicates that master-mind of a crime should be punished, just like the other person who actually engaged in it)
  14. Peccata minuta - Sins giblets (Misdemeanors - unimportant things for not going to waste time)
  15. Peccatum tacituritatis - Sin of silence
  16. Pectus excavatum - Dented chest (Medidcal term - abnormally where the ribs and sternum grow inward and form a dent in the chest)
  17. Pectus non est pars vehementer provocans ad lasciviam - The chest is not the part that vehemently provokes lust
  18. Pecunia in arboris non crescit - Money does not grow on trees
  19. Pecunia non olet - Money does not stink
  20. Pecunia pecuniam parere non potest - Money can not create money
  21. Pecuniae omnia parent - All things due to money (Titus Lucretius Caro)
  22. Pedes in terra, ad sidera visus - Our feet on the ground and our sights at the stars (Motto of the National University of Tucuman, Argentina)
  23. Pedibus timor addit alas - Fear adds wings to the feet (Terror makes us extremely fast, compared to Mercury, with winged sandals)
  24. Pedicabo ego vos et irrumabo - I will sodomize you and you'll suck my dick (Catullus - Carmen 16 - considered one of the filthiest expressions ever written in Latin)
  25. Pelvis et umbra sumus - We are dust and shadow

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