Latin Phrases and Quotes Starting with phrase number 2860
- Passim - On all places (Often used as a note of any idea that appears in many parts of a text, not to mention explicit places)
- Pastor aeternus - Pastor eternal (Apostolic Constitution of Pius IX) )
- Pastor Angelicus - An Angelic Shepherd (Pope Ven. Pius XII (1939-1958) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - There is no association with his coat of arms, name or birth place)
- Pastor et Nauta - Shepherd and Sailor (Pope Bl. John XXIII (1958-1963) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - He was patriarch of Venice, a maritime city)
- Patent undique ad libertatem viea multae, breves, faciles. Agamus Deo gratias - On all places short routes open the route to freedom. Thanks to God (Seneca)
- Pater dimitte illis non enim sciunt quid faciunt - Father, forgive them, for they know not what they are doing (Said by Jesus Christ on the cross - Vulgate - Luke 23,34)
- Pater familias - The father of the family
- Pater is est quem nuptiae demostrant - The father is the one who marriage points to
- Pater noster - Our father
- Pater patriae - Father of the Fatherland
- Pater putatibus - Alleged father (Their initial [DP], referring to Saint Joseph)
- Patibulus cunibulus annus refrescorum lacuna est! - The duck pond is an ass wash!
- Patria est communis omnium parens - The motherland and the community are our parents (Cicero)
- Patria est ubicumque est bene - The homeland is where there is good (Cicero)
- Patria potestas - Power of the father (Legal term - is the set of rights that the law recognizes to the parents, while the children are minors or disabled.)
- Pauca sed bona - Few (small quantities) is good)
- Pauca sed matura - Few but mature (Motto Karl Friedrich Gauss [1777-1855] The mathematician Gauss, although his work was huge, he did not published what he considered not finished and tentative)
- Paulo maiora canamus - Let us sing of somewhat greater things (Virgil)
- Pauperes commilitones Christi Templique Solomonici - Poor fellow soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon (Ecclesiastical term - Refers to the Templars)
- Pax - Peace (Diplomatic term - period of peace and international stability under the influence of a military power)
- Pax Christi - The peace of Christ
- Pax et Bonum - Peace and all good ( Thank you: Mark )
- Pax Orbis - World Peace
- Pax Romana - Roman Peace (Legal term - Officially recognized as a long period of peace imposed by the Roman Empire. Consisted of entertaining and satisfying the needs of the people conquered "under the protection of Rome. )
- Pax tecum, et cum spiritu tuo - Peace be with you, and with your spirit (Ecclesiastical Term - When you die go in peace - Thank you: Mrs. I.P. Freely)
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