Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 2843

  1. Par conditio creditorum - Equal treatment of creditors (Legal term - in the case of the liquidation of companies in difficulty that are not viable, the system of preferences and exclusions for creditors must be reviewed)
  2. Par in parem non habet impuerium - Peers have no jurisdiction over the other one (Legal term)
  3. Par inparem non habet imperium - An equal has no power over an equal ( On the basis of this maxim, no State can claim jurisdiction over another. This is one which flow from the doctrine of equality of States - Thank you: Rosa Manson )
  4. Par Oneri - Equal To The Task
  5. Parendo legibus ordo servatur - Obeying the laws order is preserved (Legal term)
  6. Pars construens - Constructive part (Positive argument)
  7. Pars destruens - Destructive part (Negative argument)
  8. Pars magna bonitatis est velle fieri bonum - Much of goodness consists in wanting to be good (Seneca)
  9. Parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus - Mountains will give birth, a ridiculus mouse (Of the Fable of Aesop "The birth of the mountains", is used when you want to denounce or ridicule the gap between expectations and the end result, similar to "Much Ado About Nothing")
  10. Parva formica onera magna ore trahit. - The small ant carries great loads in the mouth. (Thank you: Robert)
  11. Parva propria magna, magna aliena parva - Small, but mine. Big, but someone else’s (Decalogue)
  12. Parva saepe scintilla magnum incendium insperato excitat - The small spark often leads to an unexpectedly large fire (Fifth Curcio, I s. Roman historian, author of Life of Alexander the Great)
  13. Parva sub ingenti - Small under the protection of the big (Motto of the Prince Edward Island, Canada)
  14. Parvos parva decent - Small things befit the humble person (Old Roman proverb)
  15. Passim - On all places (Often used as a note of any idea that appears in many parts of a text, not to mention explicit places)
  16. Pastor aeternus - Pastor eternal (Apostolic Constitution of Pius IX) )
  17. Pastor Angelicus - An Angelic Shepherd (Pope Ven. Pius XII (1939-1958) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - There is no association with his coat of arms, name or birth place)
  18. Pastor et Nauta - Shepherd and Sailor (Pope Bl. John XXIII (1958-1963) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - He was patriarch of Venice, a maritime city)
  19. Patent undique ad libertatem viea multae, breves, faciles. Agamus Deo gratias - On all places short routes open the route to freedom. Thanks to God (Seneca)
  20. Pater dimitte illis non enim sciunt quid faciunt - Father, forgive them, for they know not what they are doing (Said by Jesus Christ on the cross - Vulgate - Luke 23,34)
  21. Pater familias - The father of the family
  22. Pater is est quem nuptiae demostrant - The father is the one who marriage points to
  23. Pater noster - Our father
  24. Pater patriae - Father of the Fatherland
  25. Pater putatibus - Alleged father (Their initial [DP], referring to Saint Joseph)

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