Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 2796

  1. Onus probandi - The burden of proof (Legal term)
  2. Ope legis - By disposition of the law (Legal term)
  3. Opera - Works (Applies to scores or works by musicians, thus opus 45, and so on)
  4. Opera prima - Work First (First novel from an author / work that comes first)
  5. Opera sine nomine scripta - Work without written name (Anonymous work)
  6. Operibus credite, et non verbis - Give credit to the work rather than word
  7. Oplomachus nunc es, fueras opthalmicus ante Fecisti medicus quod facis oplomachus - Optician you were before, now you're a gladiator, being a doctor you did the same as you do now (Martial - Epigrams Book I, 74)
  8. Oportet esse ut vivas, non vivere ut edas - Should eat to live, not live to eat (Cicero Rhetoricorum ad Herennium, IV, 7 - attributed to Socrates)
  9. Oportet Illum Regnare - He must reign
  10. Optimum cibi condimentum fames - The best seasoning is hunger (Cicero, de Finibus II, 28)
  11. Optimum non nasci - The best thing is not being born (Pliny the Elder, Naturalis Historia)
  12. Opus citatum - Works cited
  13. Opus dei - Work of God
  14. Opus iustitiae pax - The work of peace is justice (Vulgate - Episcopal & Papal motto of Pope Ven. Pius XII, Rome lore has it that Mons. Pacelli got his motto from here - walking by Santa Maria dell' Anima for countless years and having read these words as he passed. A verse from Isaiah 32: 17. Source: orbis catholicus secundus blog - Thank you: Claire S)
  15. Ora et labora - Pray and work (Thank you: Arthur Zawodny )
  16. Ora lege, lege, lege, relege labora et invenis - Pray, read, read, read, read hard and invent.
  17. Orandum est ut sit mens sana in corpore sano - We have to want to have a healthy mind in a healthy body (Decimus Junius Juvenalis)
  18. Oratio vultus animi est - Language is the soul of the face (You can pretend to be good, if you speak well)
  19. Ordinarium missae - Mass Ordinary (Ecclesiastical term)
  20. Ordinatio judicii - Management of a trial (Legal term)
  21. Ordinis Praedicatoris - O.P - Order of Preachers (Dominicans - Abbreviated as O.P.)
  22. Ordinis San Agustinus - Order of Saint Augustine (Augustinians - Abbreviated as O.S.A.)
  23. Ordinis San Benitus - Order of Saint Benedict (Benedictines - Abbreviated as O.S.B.)
  24. Ordinis San Franciscus - Order of Saint Francis (Franciscans - Abbreviated as O.S.F.)
  25. Ordo ad chao - The order over chaos (Written on the flag of the Supreme Council of the Brazilian Mazonaria)

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