Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 2729

  1. O socii (neque enim ignari sumus ante malorum), o passi graviora, dabit deus his quoque finem vos et Scyllaeam rabiem penitusque sonantis accestis scopulos, vos et Cyclopia saxa experti. revocate animos maestumque timorem mittite; forsan et haec olim meminisse iuvabit - O friends (for we were not unknown to prior evils) O you who’ve endured worse, the god will grant an end to this too. You’ve faced rabid Scylla, and her deep-sounding cliffs. and you’ve experienced the Cyclopes’s rocks. remember your courage and chase away gloomy fears. (Virgil - The Aeneid I 22)
  2. O tempora! O mores! - Oh Times, Oh Customs (Cicero - Catilinarian (intro) - It is an expression of nostalgia for past times and customs)
  3. Obedientia et Pax - Obedience and Peace (John XXIII’s episcopal motto)
  4. Obiit sine prole - He died without descendants - (Expression that is used in genealogical works - Abbreviated as o.s.p.)
  5. Obiter dicta - Said in passing (Legal term - A statement that is not binding)
  6. Obligatio est iuris vinculum, quo necessitate adstringimur alicuius solvendae rei secundum nostrae civitatis iuria - Obligation is a legal bond that compels us as of necessity to render something under the laws of our city (Legal term - Justinian -Definition of obligation by Roman law. Concept of civil obligations)
  7. Oboedientia tutior - Obedience Is the Safer Path (Motto taught to priests in seminaries)
  8. Obscurum per obscurium - Dark from darker
  9. Observes ne in terram nimium aridam aut variam, sed temperatam, semen demittas - Pay attention not to cast your seed into a land too arid or too variant, but tempered (Varro - De Re Rustica, I, 42)
  10. Obsides imperare hostibus - Require hostages to the enemy
  11. Obviam primus - The first to Engage (Motto of the squadron that supports the deployment of the Spanish Air Force)
  12. Ocassus Servitutis - Decline of servitude (Motto in the shield of the state of Carabobo, Venezuela)
  13. Occasio furem facit - The opportunity makes the thie
  14. Occasio legis - Conditions that generated the law (Legal term)
  15. Occidente sole - At sunset (Cicero)
  16. Oculis et unguibus aeque victrix - By eyes and claws, equally victorious (Phrase rebel flag of Mexico)
  17. Oculos habent et non videbunt - They have eyes and will not see
  18. Oculum pro oculo, et dentem pro dente - An eye for eye, tooth for tooth (Vulgate, Exodus 41.24)
  19. Oculus domini pascit equum - Under the owner's eye, the horse eats
  20. Oderint dum metuant - Let them hate so long as they fear (Lucius Accius)
  21. Oderit dum me tuant - Order me, while you fear me
  22. Odi et amo - I love and hate
  23. Odi profanum vulgus et arceo - I hate crowds and keep them away (Horace, Carmina, III, 1)
  24. Offerte vobis pacem - Offer the sign of the peace
  25. Oh lente lente currite noctis equi - Oh, slowly slowly run horses of the night (Catulus)

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