Latin Phrases and Quotes Starting with phrase number 2685
- Nullun tributum sine legis - There is no tax, without law (Legal term - Roman Law -equivalent to “No taxation without representation”)
- Nullus agenti dies longus est - No day is long for the busy (Seneca)
- Nullus est liber tam malus ut non aliqua parte prosit - There is no book so bad that there is no benefit at some point (Pliny the Younger, Gaius Plinius Caecilius Secundus)
- Nullus est tibi quem roges mutuum argentum - You have no one to borrow money from (Plautus - Pseudolus Comoediae IX -)
- Nullus germanus navigat solus - No German pees alone (In German schifen means both to navigate and to piss.)
- Nullus videtur dolo facere, qui suo iure utitur - There is no harm, when someone exercises his right (Legal term drawn from various sources, including the jurist Gaius (s.II) 50,17,55 Digest)
- Num audes? - Do you dare
- Num barbarorum Romulus rex fuit? - Was not Romulus the king of the barbarians? (Cicero)
- Num negare audes? quid taces? Convincam, si negas - Why are you silent? I will prove it if you do deny it; (Cicero - First Catiline)
- Numen lumen - God is light (Motto of the university of Wisconsin - Thank you: Agnes Wisley)
- Numero pondere & mensura Deus omnia condidit - God created things by number, size and weight (Sir Isaac Newton)
- Numerus clausus - The number closed (Academic term - Limited number - The capacity in classrooms, as well as the availability of teachers is limited, so a University cannot accommodate in a dignified manner an unlimited number of students. Therefore, they must set a to limit.)
- Numisma Documentum Veritatis - Currency, true document (Diplomatic Term - In ancient times this term is used to give validity to the coin)
- Numquam divitias deos rogate - Never ask riches to the gods (Martial )
- Numquam Retro - Nerver fall back (Niemals zurück - Motto of the Austrian special force Jagdkommando (JgdKdo) - Thank you: Hawxlp)
- Numquam Suade Mihi Vana - You will never will persuade me with vain things (Ecclesiastical term - Inscribed on the back of the Cross of San Benito Abad, which when spoken together are a powerful exorcism - Abbreviated as NSMV)
- Nunc avt nunquam - Now or never
- Nunc dimittis, servum tuum domine - Now you can send your servant, sir (Vulgate - Luke 2,29 - Words that the Jewish priest Simeon said when he took Jesus in his arms to be presented at the Temple in Jerusalem)
- Nunc e scombro pisce laudatissimum in Carthaginis Spartariae cetariis (sociorum id apellatur) singulis milibus nummum permutantibus congio fere binos - Currently the best garum is obtained from fish debris (mackerel) in fisheries in Carthago, Spartaria (known by the name of sociorum) two congius (eighth of a Roman amphora) are worth not less than 1000 silver coins. (Pliny, "Historia Naturalis" XXXI 43.94 )
- Nunc est bibendum - Now we drink (Horace - Ode I, xxxvii, 1)
- Nunc Minerva, postea Palas Atenea - First wisdom, after the war (Motto of military engineers from Spain, Minerva is the goddess of wisdom, Palas Atenea of war)
- Nunc ubi Regulus aut ubi Romulus aut ubi Remus? Stat Roma pristina nomine, nomina nuda tenemus - Where is Regulus now, and where are Romulus and Remus? Of the ancient Rome, we are only left the name, nude names is what we have (Francisco de Quevedo y Villegas - "Rome buried in ruins")
- Nunquam est fidelis cum potente societas - It is never reliable to allay with a powerful person (Philosophical Term - Phaedrus - The powerful person will abuse you if he can)
- Nunquam non paratus - Never unprepared (Motto of an Empire preparing for war)
- Nunquam ponenda est pluralitas sine necesitate - Plurality should not be assumed without a reason (William of Ockham, 1280-1349)
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