Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 2684

  1. Nullus est liber tam malus ut non aliqua parte prosit - There is no book so bad that there is no benefit at some point (Pliny the Younger, Gaius Plinius Caecilius Secundus)
  2. Nullus est tibi quem roges mutuum argentum - You have no one to borrow money from (Plautus - Pseudolus Comoediae IX -)
  3. Nullus germanus navigat solus - No German pees alone (In German schifen means both to navigate and to piss.)
  4. Nullus videtur dolo facere, qui suo iure utitur - There is no harm, when someone exercises his right (Legal term drawn from various sources, including the jurist Gaius (s.II) 50,17,55 Digest)
  5. Num audes? - Do you dare
  6. Num barbarorum Romulus rex fuit? - Was not Romulus the king of the barbarians? (Cicero)
  7. Num negare audes? quid taces? Convincam, si negas - Why are you silent? I will prove it if you do deny it; (Cicero - First Catiline)
  8. Numen lumen - God is light (Motto of the university of Wisconsin - Thank you: Agnes Wisley)
  9. Numero pondere & mensura Deus omnia condidit - God created things by number, size and weight (Sir Isaac Newton)
  10. Numerus clausus - The number closed (Academic term - Limited number - The capacity in classrooms, as well as the availability of teachers is limited, so a University cannot accommodate in a dignified manner an unlimited number of students. Therefore, they must set a to limit.)
  11. Numisma Documentum Veritatis - Currency, true document (Diplomatic Term - In ancient times this term is used to give validity to the coin)
  12. Numquam divitias deos rogate - Never ask riches to the gods (Martial )
  13. Numquam Retro - Nerver fall back (Niemals zurück - Motto of the Austrian special force Jagdkommando (JgdKdo) - Thank you: Hawxlp)
  14. Numquam Suade Mihi Vana - You will never will persuade me with vain things (Ecclesiastical term - Inscribed on the back of the Cross of San Benito Abad, which when spoken together are a powerful exorcism - Abbreviated as NSMV)
  15. Nunc avt nunquam - Now or never
  16. Nunc dimittis, servum tuum domine - Now you can send your servant, sir (Vulgate - Luke 2,29 - Words that the Jewish priest Simeon said when he took Jesus in his arms to be presented at the Temple in Jerusalem)
  17. Nunc e scombro pisce laudatissimum in Carthaginis Spartariae cetariis (sociorum id apellatur) singulis milibus nummum permutantibus congio fere binos - Currently the best garum is obtained from fish debris (mackerel) in fisheries in Carthago, Spartaria (known by the name of sociorum) two congius (eighth of a Roman amphora) are worth not less than 1000 silver coins. (Pliny, "Historia Naturalis" XXXI 43.94 )
  18. Nunc est bibendum - Now we drink (Horace - Ode I, xxxvii, 1)
  19. Nunc Minerva, postea Palas Atenea - First wisdom, after the war (Motto of military engineers from Spain, Minerva is the goddess of wisdom, Palas Atenea of war)
  20. Nunc ubi Regulus aut ubi Romulus aut ubi Remus? Stat Roma pristina nomine, nomina nuda tenemus - Where is Regulus now, and where are Romulus and Remus? Of the ancient Rome, we are only left the name, nude names is what we have (Francisco de Quevedo y Villegas - "Rome buried in ruins")
  21. Nunquam est fidelis cum potente societas - It is never reliable to allay with a powerful person (Philosophical Term - Phaedrus - The powerful person will abuse you if he can)
  22. Nunquam non paratus - Never unprepared (Motto of an Empire preparing for war)
  23. Nunquam ponenda est pluralitas sine necesitate - Plurality should not be assumed without a reason (William of Ockham, 1280-1349)
  24. Nunquam reformata quia nunquam deformata - Never refurbished (rules) because they never deformed (Motto of the Rule of Saint Bruno of the Carthusians)
  25. Nuntio vobis gaudium magnum: Habemus papam - I announce to you a great joy: we have a Pope (Ecclesiastical term - Words said when opening the balcony to present the new pope to the world after his election at the conclave.)

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