Latin Phrases and Quotes Starting with phrase number 2629
- Non scholae sed vitae discimus - Do not learn for school, but for life (Seneca)
- Non scholae sed vitae discimus - We learn not for school, but for life
- Non sequitur - Not following (Philosophical term used in logic - Arguments do not lead to the conclusion)
- Non serviam - I will not serve (Vulgate - Jeremiah 2, 20)
- Non serviam - I will not serve (Vulgate - Jeremiah 2.20)
- Non, si male nunc, olim sic erit - No, but you're wrong now, and always will be (Horace)
- Non sibi sed omnibus - Not for myself, but for all (Motto of the Venezuelan Medical Federation.)
- Non sibi sed patriae! - For no one, if not for the homeland (Motto of the U.S. Navy)
- Non sint sine lege capilli - Don't let your hair in disarray (Ovid - Amores L III)
- Non sufficit orbis - The world is not enough (Motto of Philip II)
- Non sum is qui morte terrear - I am not a person who is terrorize by death
- Non sunt amici, amici qui degunt procul - Friends who spend time apart are not friends
- Non sunt indicandae leges - Laws are not to be judged (Legal term)
- Non sunt multiplicanda entia sine necessitate - We must not multiply things without a need (Philosophical term - William of Ockham, 1280-1349 - The simplest solution is probably the correct one - One of the principles in Ockham's Razor)
- Non terrae plus ultra - There is no land beyond (It was used in reference to Finisterre until Columbus discovered America)
- Non ut edam vivo, sed vivam edo - I do not live to eat, but I eat to live
- Non verbis, sed factis stamdum est - We are the facts, not words (Legal Term Requires burden of proof on the person who makes the claim - I Crespo)
- Non verbis, sed rebus - Not with words, with things.
- Nona hora - Ninth hour of the day
- Nonne tuam opinionem scio? - Don’t I know what you think?
- Nos non veniamus de reges - We do not come from kings
- Nos numerus sumus et fruges consumere nati - We are just statistics, born to consume resources. ( Thank you: Philip Allen )
- Nos onera quibusdam bestiis, nos iuga imponimus - We put loads and yokes to certain animals (Cicero De Natura Deorum II, 151 )
- Nos vadum victum - We shall conquer
- Nosce te ipsum et nosces universum et deos - Know thyself and you will know the universe and the gods (Motto of Socrates which he took from the walls of the Oracle of Delphi)
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