Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 2593

  1. Non facit ebrietas vitia, sed protrahit - Drunkenness does create flaws, it just shows them (Seneca - recommending temperance in drinking)
  2. Non faciunt meliorem equum aurei freni - Gold bridle does not make a better horse (The value does not depend on external ornaments)
  3. Non fecit taliter omni natione - [God] has not done this for any other nation (or people) (Vulgate - Psalm 147, 20)
  4. Non fortuna homines aestimabo, sed moribus - I do not estimate the men for their fortune, but for their habits (Seneca)
  5. Non habbiate paura! Aperite portas Christi! - Don't be afraid! Open the doors to Christ! (Ecclesiastical term - Pronounced by Karol Wojtyla (Saint John Paul II) when he was elected Pope)
  6. Non impedimenti ratione cogitationis - Without the impediment of rational thought (Motto of the radio show "Car Talk" - Conloquium Currus )
  7. Non in folio sed in capitolio - Not on the sheet, but in the mind (Legal Term - Refers to agreements or contracts, to be interpreted as "not in writing, but to the gods," since "capitol" refers to the place where the Temple or Chruch stood)
  8. Non in solo panem homo - Not by bread alone lives man
  9. Non inquam iam quaero unde haec habueris sed quo tantum tibi opus fuerit - I did not ask you where you got it, but why so much work has been necessary (Cicero - In Verrem II )
  10. Non intratur in veritatem, nisi per caritatem - No one enters the truth, with out love (Augustine)
  11. Non is sum qui improbos laudem - I'm not such person who praises the wicked
  12. Non liquet - It is not clear
  13. Non mihi sit laudi quod eram velut alter Apelles, sed quod tuis meritis omnia, Christe, dabam - Do not praise me because I was like another Apelles, but because everything handed, O Christ, by your merits. (Epitaph on the tomb of the most spiritual of the Italian painters, Pietro di Guidolino - Apelles was a great Greek painter)
  14. Non multa, sed multum - Not many, but much
  15. Non mutatis libelli - Do not change the libel, immutability of libel (Legal term - once a defamatory statement has been made, it can not be extended, modified or clarified to suit the facts outlined in a claim or defense.)
  16. Non natus - Unborn (Not born naturally, but surgically removed by Caesarean section.)
  17. Non nisi parendo, vincitur - It is only by obedience, that it is conquered
  18. Non nobis, Domine, non nobis, sed nomini tuo da gloriam - Nothing for us, Lord, nothing for us but for the glory of thy name (Motto and fundamental principle of the Order of the Knights Templars, founded by St. Bernardus Clairval in 1118, similar to the Knights of the Holy Sepulcher. The order began with nine knights and advocated Christian humility. This order became so rich, powerful and influential that King Philip the Fair (French) removed them, with the blessing of the Pope, and seized their wealth. This motto denotes submission and total surrender to God - Taken from the Vulgate - Psalm 113.9)
  19. Non nobis, sed omnibus - Not for ourselves but for all
  20. Non nobis solum nati sumus - We are not born for ourselves (Cicero)
  21. Non Nominatus - Unnamed (Legal term - unidentified person - Abbreviated as NN)
  22. Non nova, sed nove - Nothing new, but a new way to look at it (Applies to ideas using a different perspective)
  23. Non olet - No smell (Roman Emperor Vespanius said Pecunia non olet [Money does not smell] to his son Titus, when he made fun that his dad put a tax on latrines.)
  24. Non omne quod licet honestum est - Not everything is allowed honored (Legal term - Corpus Iuris Civilis, King Roman - Julius Paulus - 50.17144 Digest)
  25. Non omnes qui habemt citharam sunt citharoedi - Not all who own harp are musicians (Sir Francis Bacon, English lawyer 1561-1626 )

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