Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 2518

  1. Nihil medium est - Nothing is in the middle (There is no middle ground, no compromise, no average)
  2. Nihil nimis - Nothing with excess (Horace)
  3. Nihil novum sub sole - There is nothing new under the sun (Vulgate - Ecclesiastes 1, 9 )
  4. Nihil obstat - Nothing prevents (Legal Term - Refers to the authorization to conduct certain acts)
  5. Nihil obstat quominus imprimatur - There is no impediment to allow printing (Authorization given for publication of a work)
  6. Nihil operi Dei praeponatur - Nothing should take precedence in the service of God
  7. Nihil opust nobis ancilla nisi quae texat quae molat - We do not need any slave, if not for weaving and grinding (Plautus - Mercator Actus I, 400)
  8. Nihil pavendum est tessera hac regali - There is nothing to fear in the shade of royal banners
  9. Nihil prius fide - Nothing in front of the faith (Motto of notaries)
  10. Nihil scio nisi nescio - I only know that I know nothing
  11. Nihil sine Deo - Nothing without God! (Motto of the coat of arms of the German Hohenzollern dynasty, which ruled Germany until 1918, the year of the end of World War I. )
  12. Nihil sine Episcopo - Nothing without the bishop (Motto taught to future priests in seminaries )
  13. Nihil tam absurdum, quod non dictum sit ab aliquo philosophorum (There is nothing so absurd as not to have been said by some philosopher (Philosophical term - Cícero)
  14. Nihil tam munitum quod non expugnari pecunia possit - No castle strong enough to resist the money (Cicero)
  15. Nihil transit de potentia ad actum nisi per ens in actu - Nothing happens from potential to the act, without a being in an act
  16. Nihil utile nisi quod honestum - Nothing is good except honesty (Cicero)
  17. Nihil veritas est - Nothing is true (Motto of Cordoba in Spain)
  18. Nihil volitum quim praecognitum - Nobody loves what he does not know
  19. Nil agit exemplum, litem quod lite resolvit - Not worth is an example that does not solve the problem (Horace)
  20. Nil desperandum - Do not dispair
  21. Nil homini certum est - Nothing is safe for humans (Ovid)
  22. Nil Lyncea Latebit - The lynx never sleeps (Royal Air Force motto)
  23. Nil nisi optimum - Nothing but the best (A well used school motto which encourages us to aim for better things - Thank you: James)
  24. Nil per os - Nothing by mouth (Instruction to avoid drink and food before a medical procedure - abbreviated as NPO)
  25. Nimium ne crede colori - Do not rely much on the colors (the beauty) (Virgil, Bucoliche, 2, 1)

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