Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 2484

  1. Nemo tenetur se ipsum accusare - No one is obligated to incriminate or accuse himself (Legal term)
  2. Nemo vivit in practeritum - Nobody lives in the past tense (Legal term)
  3. Nequaquam - By no means
  4. Nequaquam vacui - No way, emptiness (Philosophical term -. Similar to "Horror vacui", horror of emptiness, this reference is mainly used in architecture, although some argue that it is a Masonic or Rosicrucian principle, where nature tends to fill empty spaces)
  5. Neque dicent ecce hic aut ecce illic ecce enim regnum Dei intra vos est - Do not say, "Look, here it is" or "there it is", for the kingdom of God is within you (Vulgate - Luke 17, 21 - Said by Jesus Christ)
  6. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum, quia dolor sit, amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt, ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem - There is no one who loves pain itself, who seeks it and wants to have it, simply because it is pain, but because sometimes circumstances arise in such a way that with effort and pain they can obtain some great pleasure (Cicero - De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum I:32, “On the Extremes of Good and Evil” - This phrase was corrupted to produce the "Lorem Ipsum" text used to as a placeholder to show the layout of a document)
  7. Neque semper arcum tendit Apollo - Nor does Apollo keep his bow continually drawn (Horace, Carmina 2/10:19-20)
  8. Neque si Spiritum Sanctum esse audivimus - Neither of us knew that the Holy Spirit existed (Quote of the Athenians to San Pablo)
  9. Neque terrent monstra - Monsters do not scare us
  10. Nescentia necat - Ignorance kill
  11. Nescio quid agam - I do not know what to do
  12. Nescio quid dicas - I do not understand what you say
  13. Nescio quid tu agas - I do not know what you doing
  14. Nescit vox missa reverti - The words can not return (Horace)
  15. Ni te plus oculis meis amarem - If I did not love you more than my own eyes (Gaius Valerius Catulo, Roman poet, 87-54 AC)
  16. Nihil admirare - Nothing to admir
  17. Nihil amatur nisi comprenditur - You do not love what you do not know
  18. Nihil bonum, volupatate dominante, evenire - Nothing good can come out of dominating pleasure
  19. Nihil consensui tam contrarium est, quam vis atque metus: quem comprobare contra bonos mores est - There is nothing so contrary to consent as violence and fear, so if a valid consent given, this would be flawed by morality (Legal term - Domitius Ulpianus - Digest, 50, 17, 116 pr -)
  20. Nihil curo de ista tua stulta superstitione - I'm not interested in your stupid superstitions.
  21. Nihil dulcis post Deum laboris fructus - After God, there is nothing sweeter than the fruit of labor
  22. Nihil est ab omni parte beatum - Nothing is only happiness (Horace - Carmina)
  23. Nihil est in intellectu quod prius non fuerit in sensu - There is nothing in the intellect without first passing through the senses (Philosophical term - you cannot grasp a concept without the assistance of the experience)
  24. Nihil est in vita priore ego imperator romanus fui - That is nothing. In a past life I was Emperor of Rome
  25. Nihil est omnino beatum - Nothing is wholly happy

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