Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 2446

  1. Negative et amplius - Negative and more
  2. Negotiorum gestio - Business management (Legal term)
  3. Negotium populo Romano melius quam otium committi - The Roman people better understand work than pleasure (Apio Claudio)
  4. Nemine contradicente - No one contradicts
  5. Nemine discrepante - No contradiction
  6. Neminem laedere - Do not harm (Legal term - General principle of law, any harm requires remedy)
  7. Nemo alieno nomine lege agere potest - No one outside (the cause) may act on behalf of the law (Legal term - Domitius Ulpianus - Digest 50,17,123 - )
  8. Nemo auditur propiam turpitudinem alegans - No one should be heard because of his clumsiness (Legal term - No one should argue his own case, because of his clumsiness)
  9. Nemo autem regere potest nisi qui et regi - Besides no one can govern without also being ruled (Seneca)
  10. Nemo certe fuit - Certainly, there was no one
  11. Nemo damnetur sine legale iudicio - No person shall be convicted without a trial (Legal term - the principle of legal right to a trial.)
  12. Nemo dat quod non habet - Nobody gives you what they do not have
  13. Nemo esse iudex in sua causa potest - No one may be judge in its own cause (Legal term)
  14. Nemo est tam stultus quin credat Deum esse - Nobody is so foolish not believe God exists (Augustine)
  15. Nemo gratis mendax - No one is a liar for free (Legal Term that states that a person with no reason to lie is telling the truth - It also means that if someone lies, (s)he is getting something on return for it)
  16. Nemo haeres invictus est - Nobody is against the will of the heir (Legal term)
  17. Nemo in sese tentat descendere - No one tries to descend to the bottom of their own faults (Persius)
  18. Nemo inauditus condemnetur - Not to condemn anyone, without being heard (Legal term - You can not deprive anyone of the right to speak and be heard and listened)
  19. Nemo invitus rem cogitur defendere - Nobody is obliged to defend the thing (Legal term, referring to the object of their interest - 50,17,1,56 Digest)
  20. Nemo iudex in sua causa - No one can be a judge in his own case (Legal term -No one can be judged by himself - Thank you: K. Mompalao, Malta)
  21. Nemo jurista nisi bartolista - Nobody is a jurist unless he is a follower of Bartolus (Legal term - Bartolus de Saxoferrato was an author of several works in the school of jurist. Bartolus reached much fame among jurists of the Middle Ages, that they made reference to him in this way)
  22. Nemo liberalis nisi liberatus - No one is free unless freed (Legal Term - Nobody can donate their property without paying their debts - Your debts take precedence and your donation is terminated under the law)
  23. Nemo malus felix - No evil is happy (Decimus Junius Juvenalis)
  24. Nemo me impune lacessit - No one hurts me without impunity (Motto of Scotland)
  25. Nemo mortalium omnibus horis sapit - No mortal is wise at all times (Pliny the Elder)

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