Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 2435

  1. Nec alter dicitur - Let's not say anything more (The conversation has concluded)
  2. Nec ego ipse capio totum, quod sum - Not even I understand everything I am (Augustine)
  3. Nec liquor (garum sociorum) ullus poene praeter unguenta maiore in praetio esse coepit, nobilitatis etiam gentibus - Except for ointments, there is no liquor more expensive, giving fame to the places of origin (Pliny, "Historia Naturalis" XXXI 43.94 )
  4. Nec nominetur in vobis - Do not even mention it among yourselves
  5. Nec pluribus impar - Not different from many
  6. Nec plus ultra - Not beyond
  7. Nec quae praeteriit iterum revocabitur unda, nec quae praeterit hora redire potest - Water can not again return up the channel, neither can the past hours
  8. Nec soli impar - Like the sun (Motto of Felipe II)
  9. Nec tecum possum vivere, nec sine te - Neither you, nor I can live without you
  10. Nec temere nec timide - Not afraid not to be feared
  11. Necesse est multos timeat quem multi timent - To which many fear to be afraid (D. Laberius)
  12. Necessitas caret lege - The need of no law
  13. Necessitas convenientiae - The necessity of agreement
  14. Necessitas non habet legem - The need has no law (Legal term)
  15. Negative et amplius - Negative and more
  16. Negotiorum gestio - Business management (Legal term)
  17. Negotium populo Romano melius quam otium committi - The Roman people better understand work than pleasure (Apio Claudio)
  18. Nemine contradicente - No one contradicts
  19. Nemine discrepante - No contradiction
  20. Neminem laedere - Do not harm (Legal term - General principle of law, any harm requires remedy)
  21. Nemo alieno nomine lege agere potest - No one outside (the cause) may act on behalf of the law (Legal term - Domitius Ulpianus - Digest 50,17,123 - )
  22. Nemo auditur propiam turpitudinem alegans - No one should be heard because of his clumsiness (Legal term - No one should argue his own case, because of his clumsiness)
  23. Nemo autem regere potest nisi qui et regi - Besides no one can govern without also being ruled (Seneca)
  24. Nemo certe fuit - Certainly, there was no one
  25. Nemo damnetur sine legale iudicio - No person shall be convicted without a trial (Legal term - the principle of legal right to a trial.)

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