Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 2409

  1. Natura naturata - Mature maturing (Philosophic Term - Nature is maturing, as opposed to Nature naturans or Nature is becoming wilder)
  2. Natura nihil facit frustra - Nature does nothing in vane
  3. Natura non consitatur - Nature is not saddening (Nature makes no mistakes, whatever it does is necessary, therefore it it not sad.)
  4. Natura non facit saltus - Nature does not make leaps
  5. Natura sanat, medicus curat - The physician treats, nature cure (Medical term)
  6. Naturae rationalis individua substantia - Individual substance of a rational nature (Scholastic definition of "person")
  7. Naturalis Ratio - Natural Reason (Legal term)
  8. Naturam Subiecit Aliis - Nature subjugated to our allies (or subjugate the forces of nature for the benefit of the humanity - Motto of the School of Engineering of the Autonomous University of Chihuahua (UACH) in Mexico)
  9. Natus ad Summa Cum Laude - Born for the highest honor (Nobility)
  10. Natus Vincere - Born to win (Motto used by the Roman army)
  11. Nauta de Ponte Nigro (Sailor From the Black Bridge (Pope Gregory XII (1406 - 1415) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - He was Commendatarius of the Church of Nigripontis, Black Bridge)
  12. Navigare necesse; vivere non est necesse - Sailing is necessary, to live is not necessary (Pompey the Great(106 - 48 BC) directed this phrase to some sailors)
  13. Navita de ventis, de tauris narrat arator, enumerat miles vulnera, pastor ovis - The sailor speaks of winds, the plowman of bulls, the soldier counts his wounds, the shepherd his sheep. (Philosophical Term - Propertius, 2.1.43-44)
  14. Ne avertas oculos a fulgure huius sideris si non vis obrui procellis - Do not take your eyes from the brightness of this star, if you do not want to be annihilated by the stor
  15. Ne cede malis - Do not yield to evi
  16. Ne laterum laves - Do not waste your bricks (Terence's catchphrase, which directly translates to "Do not waste your time")
  17. Ne perdiderit, non cessat perdere lusor - To avoid loosing, the player does not cease playing
  18. Ne procedat iudex ex officio - Judges shall not proceed on their own. (Legal term)
  19. Ne quid nimis - Nothing in excess
  20. Ne quis iudex in propria causa - No one is a judge in their own case (Legal term - no one is impartial, when it comes to judge himself)
  21. Ne suarum se miseriarum in memoriam inducas - So you don't remind her of her misery (Plautus, Persa 643)
  22. Ne sutor ultra crepidam - The shoemaker shall not go beyond the shoes (It is said that the Greek painter Apeles (VI AC) hid behind a screen to listen to criticism of his paintings. He heard a shoemaker say that his painting was disproportionate. At night, Apeles corrected his painting, but he continued to receive criticism from the shoemaker the next day. So he came out behind the screen and asked the shoemaker for his profession, when he heard it, Apeles said the now famous sentence)
  23. Ne tentes, aut perfice - Do not attempt, but succeed (Motto on a coat of arms)
  24. Nec alter dicitur - Let's not say anything more (The conversation has concluded)
  25. Nec ego ipse capio totum, quod sum - Not even I understand everything I am (Augustine)

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