Latin Phrases and Quotes Starting with phrase number 2404
- Nascuntur poetas, fiunt oratores - Poets are born, the politicians are made
- National University of Cuyo in Mendoza, Argentina)
- Natura abhorret vacuum - Nature abhors a vacuum
- Natura duce, errare nullo pacto potest - When nature guides us, there is no way to make a mistake (Philosophical term - The goodness of nature)
- Natura humana aevi brevis est - Human nature is feeble, and of a short existence
- Natura ingenium disecta cadavera pandit; plus quan vitae more taciturna docet - The cadaver dissection demonstrates the wisdom of nature; more talkative than life, teaches us the taciturn death (Motto of Pedro Virgili, first director of the Military Medical College in Cadiz, Spain)
- Natura naturans - Nature naturing (Philosophic Term - Baruch Spinoza - Nature is becoming wilder, as opposed to Nature naturata or Nature is maturing)
- Natura naturata - Mature maturing (Philosophic Term - Nature is maturing, as opposed to Nature naturans or Nature is becoming wilder)
- Natura nihil facit frustra - Nature does nothing in vane
- Natura non consitatur - Nature is not saddening (Nature makes no mistakes, whatever it does is necessary, therefore it it not sad.)
- Natura non facit saltus - Nature does not make leaps
- Natura sanat, medicus curat - The physician treats, nature cure (Medical term)
- Naturae rationalis individua substantia - Individual substance of a rational nature (Scholastic definition of "person")
- Naturalis Ratio - Natural Reason (Legal term)
- Naturam Subiecit Aliis - Nature subjugated to our allies (or subjugate the forces of nature for the benefit of the humanity - Motto of the School of Engineering of the Autonomous University of Chihuahua (UACH) in Mexico)
- Natus ad Summa Cum Laude - Born for the highest honor (Nobility)
- Natus Vincere - Born to win (Motto used by the Roman army)
- Nauta de Ponte Nigro (Sailor From the Black Bridge (Pope Gregory XII (1406 - 1415) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - He was Commendatarius of the Church of Nigripontis, Black Bridge)
- Navigare necesse; vivere non est necesse - Sailing is necessary, to live is not necessary (Pompey the Great(106 - 48 BC) directed this phrase to some sailors)
- Navita de ventis, de tauris narrat arator, enumerat miles vulnera, pastor ovis - The sailor speaks of winds, the plowman of bulls, the soldier counts his wounds, the shepherd his sheep. (Philosophical Term - Propertius, 2.1.43-44)
- Ne avertas oculos a fulgure huius sideris si non vis obrui procellis - Do not take your eyes from the brightness of this star, if you do not want to be annihilated by the stor
- Ne cede malis - Do not yield to evi
- Ne laterum laves - Do not waste your bricks (Terence's catchphrase, which directly translates to "Do not waste your time")
- Ne perdiderit, non cessat perdere lusor - To avoid loosing, the player does not cease playing
- Ne procedat iudex ex officio - Judges shall not proceed on their own. (Legal term)
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