Latin Phrases and Quotes Starting with phrase number 2385
- Mundus nihil pulcherrimum - The world is a beautiful thing (Giordano Bruno said this before being burned at a stake)
- Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur - The world wants to be deceived because it is (Francesco Petrarca, Italian poet 1304-1374)
- Munera census - Census obligation (obligation to regularly register in the census in ancient Rome)
- Munera militia - Military obligation (Obligation to serve in the army during in ancient Rome )
- Munera tributum - Tribute oblication (Obligation to pay taxes in ancient Rome)
- Munificentissimus Deus - The most bountiful God (Ecclesiastical term - Apostolic Constitution of Pope Pius XII) )
- Munimentum ex monumento - After the palace is the monument
- Munus palpandus oios videndus - Touching with hands and seeing with eyes (Philosophical term - Expression of St. Thomas - when Christ was resurrected he was not present. When Jesus later appeared, St. Thomas said he did not believe he resurrected unless he puts his fingers in Jesus' wound)
- Musae poetis gloriam dant - Muses give glory to the poets.
- Mutatio controversiae - Changing the subject (in a conversation)
- Mutatis mutandis - With the necessary changes (Legal term - This term applies to something that is simply comparative, used to give an example. When applying the law, just "change what you need to be changed")
- Mutato nomine - Changing the name
- Mysterium fidei - The mystery of faith (Encyclical written by Pablo VI)
- Nam cum iudicatur rem meam esse, simul iudicatur illius non esse - When it is judged that the object is mine, it is judged that it belongs to nobody else (Legal term - Domitius Ulpianus - Digest 3,3,40,2)
- Nam et ipsa scientia potestas es - Science is power (Sir Francis Bacon, English lawyer 1561-1626)
- Nam semper in civitate quibus opes nullae sunt bonis invident - Well, in the city those who have nothing always envy the good
- Nam si violandum est ius, regnandi gratia Violandum est: allis rebus pietaten colas - If there is a right to violate, violate everything to reign, but respect everything else (Legal term)
- Nam, ut eleganter Celsus definit, ius est ars boni et aequi - As Celsus elegantly defined it, the law is the art of good and fair (Legal term - Domitius Ulpianus - The phrase "Ius est ars boni et Aequi" belongs to Celsus’s son - Ulpianus Digest Domitius collected 1,1,1)
- Namque pauci libertatem, pars magna iustos dominos volunt - Few men desire freedom, the greater part desire just masters (Philosophical term - Gaius Sallustius Crispus)
- Nasciturus - Who will be born (It refers to the person who is not yet born, but who has been conceived and will be born when after pregnancy)
- Nascuntur poetas, fiunt oratores - Poets are born, the politicians are made
- National University of Cuyo in Mendoza, Argentina)
- Natura abhorret vacuum - Nature abhors a vacuum
- Natura duce, errare nullo pacto potest - When nature guides us, there is no way to make a mistake (Philosophical term - The goodness of nature)
- Natura humana aevi brevis est - Human nature is feeble, and of a short existence
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