Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 2329

  1. Miscere falsa veris, vinum aqua - To mix the false with the true, the wine with water. (To say half-truths)
  2. Mixti fori - Mixed court (Ecclesiastical and secular)
  3. Mobilis in mobile - Moving in the moving environment (Motto of Nautilus, Captain Nemo's ship)
  4. Modicae fidei, quare dubitasti? - Man of little faith, why do you hesitate? (Vulgate - Said by Jesus Christ - Matthew 14, 33 - Jesus is mad with Peter’s refusal to walk on water)
  5. Modos et cunctarum rerum mensuras audebo - I dare to give the methods and measures of all things (Academic term - Motto of the Engineering school fo the San Luis Potosi University in Mexico)
  6. Modus faciendi - The manner of doing (Legal term)
  7. Modus operandi - Mode of operation (Legal term - Referring the manner a criminal commits a crime - Abbreviated as MO)
  8. Modus ponendo ponens / Modus ponens - Mode that affirms by affirming (Philosophical term - Way of logical deduction: the union of two premises such as "If it rains, we will go to the beach" and "It rains". By combining these two by Modus Ponens, it can be concluded that: "We will go to the beach")
  9. Modus ponendo tollens - Mode which affirms by denying (Philosophical term)
  10. Modus tollendo ponens - Mode which denies by affirming (Philosophical term)
  11. Modus tollendo tollens - Mode which denies by denying (Philosophical term)
  12. Modus vivendi - Way of life (Legal term - Especially criminals)
  13. Moecha putida, redde codicillos - Stinky whore, return my books
  14. Mondi nuovi - New worlds
  15. Monitos etiam atque etiam volo - I want to warn again and again (Cicero - Second Catilinaria)
  16. Montani Semper Liber - Mountain always free (Motto Bucaramanga, Colombia)
  17. Montium Custos - Guardian of the Hills (Pope Alexander VII (1655-1667) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - His family coat of arm featured six hills and a star above them)
  18. Mora creditoris - Noncompliance attributable to the creditor (Legal term)
  19. Morde meum globes - Bite my balls
  20. More maiorum - According to the custom of the ancestors (Legal term)
  21. Mores maiorum consuetudo - The custom of the ancestors (Legal term about the source of formal Roman law)
  22. Mores sunt tacitus consensus populi longa consuetudine inveteratus - The customs are tacit agreements made by the consensus of the people over a long interval - (Legal term Domitius Ulpianus)
  23. Mors Abalto - Death from above (WW II bomber squadron motto - Thank you: J.T.)
  24. Mors certa sed hora incerta - Death is certain, but the time is uncertain
  25. Mors certa, vita incerta - Death is certain, life uncertain.

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