Latin Phrases and Quotes Starting with phrase number 2310
- Miles in Bello - Soldier in War (Benedict XIII (1724–1730) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - There is no association with his coat of arms, name or birth place)
- Militia est vita hominis super Terram - The life of man on earth is to work (Vulgate - Book of Job 7, 1)
- Militiae domus, inclyta fonsque sofiae - House of the militia and invincible source of wisdom (Motto of the city of Cordoba)
- Mille ambulat oculis - Come with a thousand eyes (Motto of squadron 123 of recognition of the Spanish Air Force. Phrase with double meaning, taking into account the work of recognition. On one hand it means to observe everything, and another walk with care)
- Minari mortem alicui - Threatening death to someone - (Legal term)
- Mingere cum bombis, res est gratissima lumbis - Peeing with a fart, is good for your ass
- Minima de malis - The lesser evil (Cicero - if you have choose, pick the lesser of two evils)
- Minima est capitis deminutio, cum et civitas et libertas retinetur, sed status hominis commutatur - The reduction of rights is minimal when freedom and citizenship is maintained while changing the legal status of the person (Legal term in ancient Rome)
- Minime senuisti! - You have not age
- Ministerium iustitiae - Ministry of Justice
- Minor sive media est capitis deminutio, cum civitas amittitur,libertas retinetur - A decrease in rights is when a person loses citizenship without loosing freedom (Legal term in ancient Rome)
- Minumus mus - Smallest mouse (Very insignificant)
- Mirabile dictu - Wonderful story
- Mirabile visu - Admirable thing to see
- Mirabilis cena - Strange dinner
- Miracula non sunt multiplicanda sine necesitate - Miracles are not duplicated, with out a necessity (Compare Ockham's Non sunt multiplicanda entia sine necessitate)
- Mirari solebam istum in his ipsis rebus aliquem sensum habere - I was amazed that he had any sense in these very matters (Cicero)
- Mirum somnium somniavi - I dreamed a wonderful dream
- Misa de requiem - Masses of dead (Ecclesiastical term)
- Misae solemnes - Solemn masses (Ecclesiastical term )
- Miscere falsa veris, vinum aqua - To mix the false with the true, the wine with water. (To say half-truths)
- Mixti fori - Mixed court (Ecclesiastical and secular)
- Mobilis in mobile - Moving in the moving environment (Motto of Nautilus, Captain Nemo's ship)
- Modicae fidei, quare dubitasti? - Man of little faith, why do you hesitate? (Vulgate - Said by Jesus Christ - Matthew 14, 33 - Jesus is mad with Peter’s refusal to walk on water)
- Modos et cunctarum rerum mensuras audebo - I dare to give the methods and measures of all things (Academic term - Motto of the Engineering school fo the San Luis Potosi University in Mexico)
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