Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 2284

  1. Mens agitat molem - The mind moves matter (Virgil)
  2. Mens agitat molens - The mind moves the moles
  3. Mens divinior - Poetic mind
  4. Mens et cor homo est - The man is mind and heart (Vicente Garcia L - the man is not just body and mind only, but both together)
  5. Mens legis - Will of the legislature (Legal term)
  6. Mens Rea - Guilty mind (Legal term which is used in common law, it comes from the Latin phrase, "actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea", which means "the act will not make a person guilty, unless the mind is also guilty ".)
  7. Mens sana in corpore sano - Healthy mind, healthy body (Decimus Junius Juvenalis)
  8. Mente captus - Lack of intelligence
  9. Mente et malleo - With mind and hammer (Motto of Geolagical Society)
  10. Menti da lucem manibus artem - Light in the mind, art in the hands (Motto of the Faculty of Medicine of the Autonomous University of Chihuahua, Mexico)
  11. Meos tam suspicione quam crimine iudico carere oportere - My people should never be suspected of breaking the law (Sentence of Julius Caesar, after divorcing Pompeii in 62 BC)
  12. Mercurii dies - The day of Mercury (Wednesday)
  13. Meus Caeli - My heaven
  14. Meus patiens mereo mereor meus optimus - My Patients deserve my best. (Thank you: Edward L Terrell, MD )
  15. Meus ultionis is est meus iustitia - My revenge is my righteousness
  16. Mihi non persuadebis etiamsi cupias - You will not be able to persuade me, no matter how much you want it
  17. Mihi non persuasisset etiamsi cupivisset - You would not been able to persuade me, even if you want it
  18. Mihi quaerit cuius domus esset - My question is, who’s house is it?
  19. Mihi quaestio factus sum - I have become a question to myself (St. Augustine - Confessions X, 33, 50)
  20. Mihi vindicta: ego retribuam, dicit Dominus - Vengeance is mine, I will retribution, says the Lord (Vulgate - extract of the Epistle of Saint Paul to the Romans chapter 12 verse 19. Paul here quotes a verse from the book of Deuteronomy Chap. 32 verse 35 Mea est ultio, et ego retribuam in tempore, in quo labetur pes eorum! Iuxta est dies perditionis, et adesse festinat sors eorum. Vengeance is Mine, and retribution, In due time their foot will slip; For the day of their calamity is near, And the impending things are hastening upon them)
  21. Mihi vivere Christus est - My life is Christ
  22. Miles emeritus - Retired soldier (Soldiers of the ancient Rome. Under the Republic, the retired soldier received a lot of land, usually in a colony)
  23. Miles ignote qui fortiter pro aris et focis invictus occubuisti, tibi parens patria illacrimans hoce monumentum dicat devovet peramanter adsumus, adsumus, adsumus miles ignote - Unknown Soldier, who fell bravely fighting undefeated by the altar and the home: with tears in her eyes and endearing love your motherland dedicates and consecrates this monument to you. Present, present, present, Unknown Soldier! (Dedication - Monument to the Unknown Soldier)
  24. Miles in Bello - Soldier in War (Benedict XIII (1724–1730) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - There is no association with his coat of arms, name or birth place)
  25. Militia est vita hominis super Terram - The life of man on earth is to work (Vulgate - Book of Job 7, 1)

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