Latin Phrases and Quotes Starting with phrase number 2235
- Manduco me flumen de vobis - How I laugh at you (Macaronic Latin)
- Mane nobiscum quoniam advesperascitt - Stay with us Lord, because it's getting late. (Vulgate - Luke 24, 29 - Petition of the disciples on the road to Amaus Gospels)
- Mane vobiscum Domine - Stay with us, Lord
- Mantua me genuit; Calabri rapuere; tenet nunc
Parthenope; Cecini pascua, rura, duces - Mantua gave me birth; Calabrian took me away ( Today they have me) Partenope holds me. I sang of pastures, farms, leaders (Virgil epitaph) - Manu militari - With a military hand (Diplomatic Term - Using weapons instead of agreements, alliances or dialogue)
- Manum misi in ignem - I put my hand in the fire (St. Jerome)
- Manumissio - Emancipation (Legal term - In Rome, act provision under which the slave is free and citizen)
- Manus manum lavat - One hand washes the other
- Mare magnum - Large Sea
- Mare Nostrum - Our Sea (Refers to the Mediterranean Sea)
- Maremagnum - Big stormy sea, (Diplomatic Term - Refers to any issue that is complicated, tangled, confusing or that involves many people to assess it)
- Mariae, nunquam satis - Mary, never enough (St. Bernardus Clairval)
- Marito non licet nocere propriam uxorem - The husband does not have the right to harm his own wife (Legal term)
- Mars et Quirino, Roma Victrix - By Mars and Quirino, victorious Rome! (Harangue and order to attack the army)
- Martis dies - The day of Mars (Tuesday)
- Mater dei, memento, memento mei - Mother of God, remember, remember me
- Mater et magistra - Mother and teacher (Vulgate - Encyclical of John XXIII)
- Mater saeva Cupidinum - The savage mother of Cupid (Horace - Carmina I, 19, 1 - refers to Venus, the goddess of love)
- Mater semper certa, pater coud nuptias demonstram - The mother is always known, the father is known through marriage (Roman proverb that establishes the presumption of paternity of the husband)
- Mater tua mala burra est - Your mother eats red apples (In Spanish it could be interpreted as an insult, but it is not)
- Matrum ornamenta liberi sunt - The children are their mother adornment.
- Maxima debetur puero reverentia - A child is owed the greatest respect (Decimus Junius Juvenalis)
- Maxima est capitis deminutio, cum aliquis simul et civitatem et libertatem amittit - The maximum decrease in rights occurs when a person loses freedom and citizenship (Legal term in ancient Rome)
- Me Caesar incestam putat, qua sacra faciente vicit triumphavit! - Caeser thinks I committed incest, when as long I carried out the sacred rites he has been victorious and triumphant (Pliny the younger - Words of vestal Corenelia, when she was tried and executed by Domitian)
- Me fallit - I was fooled
Total: 4204